Crew Missing After Two French Fighter Jets Collide Mid-Air

NATO / Flickr

A search is underway for two missing pilots after two French jet fighters crashed mid-air during an exercise in the north-east of the country on Wednesday.

Two French air force Rafale fighter jets collided in the Meurthe-et-Moselle region close to the Belgian, Luxembourgian, and German borders around midday on Wednesday. One pilot was able to eject from the cockpit before the collision, but an instructor and student in the second aircraft are not thought to have managed to escape in time.

Several hours after the crash, both are considered missing and a search is underway. French local news Actu reports the aircraft had returned from German airspace at the time of the incident, and had engaged in an aerial refuelling mission.

French newspaper Le Figaro states agencies including local police, fire, forestry commission, and even radio amateurs are involved in the search.

The French military was quick to announce that all crew involved in the potentially deadly collision were French citizens, and not Ukrainian guests, a number of whom are in the country training as fighter jet pilots. President Emmanuel Macron announced earlier this year that the country would be donating a number of Mirage 2000 jets, fighters a generation older and now being retired from service.

Authored by Oliver Jj Lane via Breitbart August 14th 2024