Developer Builds A 60-Square Mile Illegal Alien Colony In Texas

developer builds a 60 square mile illegal alien colony in texas
Illegal migrants heading to the U.S. border after disembarking from a train. Screen capture via
Border Hawk

They're Coming To America

Yesterday, Zero Hedge reported on the freight train of illegal migrants headed to America's southern border. You can see video of those train-riding migrants below, accompanied by an an appropriate song. 

Where are those migrants going after they get here? Some surely will be headed toward America's major cities, forcing Democratic mayors to eat more of their own open borders advocacy dog food. But some are likely headed to a place called Colony Ridge--an enormous settlement forty miles outside of Houston that's reportedly home to tens of thousands of illegal aliens. That this illegal alien ant colony is right under the nose of Texas Governor Abbott raises questions about how serious Governor Abbott's tough talk about securing his state's part of the border really is. 

Reporter Spencer Lindquist of The Daily Wire wrote an eye-opening thread about Colony Ridge on X yesterday--I've posted it in full below. Before we get to that, a brief trading note, about another biotech lottery ticket. 

Another Asymmetric Bet

In yesterday's post, I mentioned a successful biotech trade. We've got another biotech trade in the works, which you can read about here

And if you want a heads up when we place it, you can subscribe to our trading Substack/occasional email list below. 


Now on to Spencer Lindquist's eye-opening thread about the giant illegal alien settlement in Texas and who's behind it. 

If You Build It, They Will Come


Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge September 19th 2023