Ditching of DEI statements by three big Arizona universities called ‘a huge victory for academic freedom’

Previously, some Arizona universities required up to 80 percent of faculty job postings to pledge support to equity and inclusion efforts

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Universities across the country have deployed diversity statement requirements to serve as what critics say is a political litmus test to push left-wing ideology like Critical Race Theory (CRT) in America's higher education institutions. But, some universities are pushing back on the practice as a condition of hiring, including the Arizona university system, which will no longer require diversity, equity and inclusion statements in its hiring practices, according to the Goldwater Institute. 

"This is a huge victory for academic freedom and the First Amendment," Goldwater Institute President and CEO Victor Riches said. "The Goldwater Institute is continuing to show the nation how to defeat the destructive ideologies that are crippling colleges and universities." 

The Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) told Fox News Digital that while the use of DEI statements has never been required by the ABOR or public universities, "some departments at the universities may have included a request for a DEI statement in a job application, the universities have discontinued any requests for such statements in job applications."

"(Some posted job applications that include a request for a DEI statement may still be found online and the universities are updating those job postings to remove the request for DEI statements.)," the statement added. 

ditching of dei statements by three big arizona universities called a huge victory for academic freedom

Universities have increasingly moved towards implementing DEI at every level at the institution.  (Fox News Digital )

Fox News Digital previously reported that up to 80 percent of faculty job postings at Arizona State University, the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University required applicants to pledge support to equity and inclusion efforts through "diversity statements," according to a Goldwater Institute report. These requirements sometimes asked applicants to replace the traditional cover letter with a DEI statement, which forced candidates to provide "up to two full pages detailing their activism or commitment to the DEI regime."


The Goldwater Institute argued the policy was unconstitutional and in contrast with what they believe universities should be: a place where free speech and free expression can flourish. In addition to violating the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the think tank said DEI statements were unconstitutional under Arizona state constitutions, which banned the practice at its public educational institutions. 

The Arizona Constitution states that "no religious or political test or qualification shall ever be required as a condition of admission into any public educational institution of the state, as teacher, student, or pupil."

ditching of dei statements by three big arizona universities called a huge victory for academic freedom

Arizona is the latest to ditch mandatory DEI statements, falling in line with policies enacted in Texas, Missouri and North Carolina.  ((Photo by: Dukas/Universal Images Group via Getty Images))


"DEI programs and ‘statements’ do not produce free expression nor more diversity of thought, equal opportunities, and a culture that includes everyone in school activities because DEI’s guiding principles are rooted in the racially discriminatory worldview known as critical race theory," Goldwater Institute Senior Fellow Jonathan Butcher said. 

Arizona is the latest to ditch mandatory DEI statements, which has also been seen in Texas, Missouri, and North Carolina. 

The Goldwater Institute, in partnership with Christopher Rufo and Ilya Shapiro of the Manhattan Institute, has put together legislative text that is aimed at dismantling DEI ideology in American higher education institutions.

In May, Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed HB 931 into law, which was modeled on the reform drafted by the Goldwater Institute, that prohibits "diversity statements" from being used in hiring and promotions decisions. The following month, Texas enacted reforms drafted by the Goldwater Institute that defended DEI bureaucracies at the state’s public colleges and universities.


ditching of dei statements by three big arizona universities called a huge victory for academic freedom

Arizona State University, the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University make up the state's public university system.  (iStock)

"DEI offices have spent decades pushing racial preferences in different campus activities," Butcher told Fox News Digital. "Now students, taxpayers, and lawmakers are calling them to task and asking what these programs have done besides push discrimination." 

"This victory over DEI statements at Arizona’s public universities is in line with what happened in Texas and Florida through legislation earlier this year, and it’s a hopeful sign for all students and faculty, from every background, that schools will be judging people by their choices and merit instead of by skin color," he added. 

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Kendall Tietz is a Production Assistant with Fox News Digital. 

Authored by Kendall Tietz via FoxNews August 9th 2023