Diversity In The Nuclear Power Plant

diversity in the nuclear power plant
Entergy's diverse nuclear power plant control room. 

DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) 

The New Orleans-based electric utility Entergy (ETR) posted a video on X.com last week featuring one of its nuclear power plant control room supervisors. The video appeared to be intended to highlight the company's embrace of diversity and inclusion. 

X.com gives users the option of hiding certain replies to their posts. Here's a sample of some of the replies to this one that Entergy chose to hide: 

One wonders what the point of Entergy posting this was; it doesn't seem to have inspired confidence in their nuclear operations. 

Crash Protection For Entergy 

Apropos of nothing in particular, this is the current, optimal put option to hedge shares of Entergy against a greater-than-20% drop over the next few months. 

diversity in the nuclear power plant
Screen capture via
Portfolio Armor


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Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge September 15th 2023