Ecuador Needs A Second Amendment After Days Of Narcoterrorism

Submitted by Gun Owners of America,

Ecuador is experiencing a wave of violence over the past year that has finally reached a boiling point.

In the past few days, leaders of Ecuadorian cartels were broken out of prison, and violence quickly followed. Most recently, gunmen stormed a news station during a live broadcast and took hostages.

In addition, footage from the University of Guayaquil showed the armed gang members' attempt to kidnap students.

In response to this takeover and the high levels of violence, Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency, designated the cartels as terrorist organizations, and called in the military.

But the military isn't alone in their fight. Citizens of Ecuador have taken up arms to fight with the army against the gangs. Videos on X show citizens riding with the police and military on motorcycles and in the back of pickup trucks prepared to combat the rising narcoterrorism.

While Ecuador recently loosened restrictions on civilians carrying firearms, it has done very little to make it easier for them to own. Citizens must submit to a lengthy permitting process that includes a certificate of skill in handling and using firearms, along with a drug test and psychological evaluation. To make matters worse, according to those familiar with the process, the issuance of a gun license could take anywhere from a few months to a year.

Even after all that, civilians are limited to very specific types of pistols, revolvers, and shotguns.

Meanwhile, videos out of Ecuador appear to show the use of a rocket launcher.

These scenes of violence perpetrated by drug gangs are so foreign to the United States because even if the US military did nothing, law-abiding, gun-toting Americans could immediately mobilize to stop the threat.

The videos of violence and chaos coming out of Ecuador are evidence that an armed citizenry is necessary for the security of a free state.

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A comment from ZH staff: 

ecuador needs a second amendment after days of narcoterrorism

GOA's note from earlier this week: Did Loosening Gun Control Cause A Nationwide Drop In Homicides?

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge January 11th 2024