Reality engineering requires three components:
institutional power to create the narrative,
social pressure to enforce it,
and the deliberate persecution of anyone who challenges either.
The COVID era provided the perfect case study in how this machinery operates - and revealed how performative activism serves as its most potent enforcement mechanism.
Every major element of the official COVID narrative has been proven false: The origins of the virus, the validity of PCR tests, the suppression of early treatments, the denial of natural immunity, the so-called "safety and effectiveness" of vaccines, and the utility of masks, lockdowns, and vaccine passports. Yet those who questioned any part of it faced unprecedented ostracism and persecution.
The manufactured panic ignored fundamental reality: COVID posed minimal risk to healthy people under 70, but was significantly more dangerous to the elderly and immunocompromised. Rather than focusing resources on protecting vulnerable populations, we destroyed economies, stole childhoods, and enforced measures that made no epidemiological sense. This wasn’t just about control - it was an engineered economic coup, the largest financial consolidation of power in modern history. While small businesses were forcibly closed, Amazon's profits soared. As working-class neighborhoods struggled, Wall Street celebrated record gains. The laptop class posted about 'we're all in this together' from their home offices while essential workers were forced into what was portrayed as dangerous conditions to deliver their groceries. The same corporations trumpeting their commitment to "equity" through DEI initiatives were destroying economic mobility for the very communities they claimed to champion.
Just months before COVID, The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. An examination of the event reveals that the priority of the exercise centered not on treatment protocols or protecting the vulnerable but rather on how information control could be used to manufacture mass compliance.
When the real crisis arrived, this strategy found willing accomplices in a culture already primed for performative virtue. The height of this hypocrisy revealed itself during the pandemic, exposing not just empty virtue signaling, but active participation in one of the most egregious civil rights violations in recent American history. As millions changed their profile pictures and posted solidarity symbols for social justice, these same voices fell silent - or worse, actively participated in the persecution of two distinct groups: the unvaccinated and the vaccine-injured.
The Profitable Performance of Power
The economic devastation fell hardest on those least able to bear it. While professionals attended Zoom meetings in their pajamas, service workers faced an impossible choice: show up to what was marketed as a deadly environment or lose their livelihoods. The data tells the story:
Black-owned businesses declined by 41% during the first few months of lockdowns
Latino unemployment reached 18.9%, the highest of any demographic
Women left the workforce in unprecedented numbers, erasing decades of gains
The financial beneficiaries were clear:
During the lockdown, ostensibly put in place to “protect the vulnerable”, vulnerable small businesses lost $4.6 trillion in value, with minority-owned enterprises accounting for 41% of closures despite representing only 20% of total businesses. This wasn’t just hypocrisy - it was a calculated consolidation of power under the guise of public health.
The corporate duplicity was particularly stark during the same period when America was reckoning with racial justice following George Floyd's murder. Nike proclaimed "standing against racism" while terminating minority employees who would not comply with unscientific COVID shot mandates. BlackRock published reports on "workplace equity" while creating a segregated office system. Google celebrated "inclusion" while their mandate policies disproportionately excluded minority workers who had historical reasons to distrust medical authorities.
These same corporations posting solidarity symbols were forcing their lowest-paid workers to choose between experimental injections or feeding their families. Their DEI committees issued statements about "inclusion" while they excluded anyone who questioned the narrative. They celebrated "diversity" in carefully curated public messaging while their mandates disproportionately impacted minority communities - the very people their DEI initiatives were ostensibly designed to protect.
This hypocrisy was essentially economic warfare masked by virtuous platitudes. The professional class's performative empathy enabled the greatest upward transfer of wealth and opportunity in modern history. Their social media activism provided cover for policies that devastated the working class, particularly in minority communities. While they changed their profile pictures to signal virtue, they changed the economic landscape to enforce dependence.
The hypocrisy reached its peak during the Roe v. Wade controversy. The same voices passionately defending bodily autonomy in reproductive rights enthusiastically supported government-mandated medical procedures – often in the same social media feeds.
I saw this contradiction clearly one day and shared a meme that captured it perfectly: A woman holding a "My Body, My Choice" sign while wearing a "Vaccine Mandate Now!" t-shirt. The irony was obvious - or so I thought. But instead of engaging with the point, a friend of 20 years replied:
"The right to an abortion is at stake and unlike vaccine mandates which remain a choice (granted with heavy weight regarding employment for those who choose against)... Equating the two issues works to piss off women for sure but I don't think does much to further your cause."
Her response characterized vaccine mandates as merely a "choice with heavy weight" while referring to them as "my cause" - as if bodily autonomy were a partisan position rather than a universal principle. Most telling was what happened afterward: when I shared trial data and peer-reviewed studies about fertility concerns, there was no reply. The conversation simply ended. This pattern repeated itself across countless relationships - the desire to maintain a manufactured reality proved stronger than decades of friendship or even scientific evidence that might protect loved ones.
A simple observation - one that should have been common sense - was treated as ideological betrayal, even with a good friend. That was the moment I realized how deeply people had internalized the manufactured reality, where pointing out contradictions was itself a crime.
While professionals virtue signaled from home offices, essential workers faced impossible choices. Those who built careers championing marginalized communities suddenly celebrated stripping basic rights from their neighbors. It was deeply enlightening to observe those who said they were passionate about fighting discrimination celebrating people losing their jobs for making personal medical choices. Their empathy extended exactly as far as their pharmaceutical stock portfolios and/or unwavering faith in government authority - marching against discrimination until it became inconvenient for their tribal interests, rallying against medical coercion until they could enforce it themselves.
The Manufacturing of Hatred
The demonization of the non-compliant was systematic and crossed into territory that would be considered hate speech if directed at any other group. Major media outlets competed to express the most vitriolic condemnation of the unvaccinated. The New York Times ran headlines like "I'm Furious at the Unvaccinated, while The Washington Post declared that "remaining unvaccinated in public should be considered as bad as drunk driving."
This wasn't just media rhetoric - it directly programmed public perception and normalized extreme views. A January 2022 Rasmussen poll revealed that nearly half of Democratic voters supported not just fining the unvaccinated, but confining them to their homes, sending them to quarantine camps, and even taking their children. Public health officials cultivated and then amplified this hostility, speaking of a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," creating a narrative of blame that would be used to justify discrimination at a scale unprecedented in modern America.
The rhetoric from entertainment figures was particularly revealing. Gene Simmons declared "You're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are the enemy." Sean Penn took this mandate mentality further, stating "It seems criminal to me... if someone chooses not to get vaccinated that they should choose to stay home, not go to work, not have a job... As long as we're all paying for these streets, we got to ride safely on them." His framing perfectly captured the entitled perspective of the wealthy class - comparing basic employment rights to a privilege that could be revoked for non-compliance. Don Lemon advocated for complete social exclusion: "Don't have the vaccine, can't go to the supermarket... Can't go to the ballgame... Can't go to work... No shirt, no shoes, no service!" Piers Morgan celebrated discrimination: "Love the idea of COVID vaccine passports for everywhere: flights, clubs, gyms, shops. It's time COVID denying, anti-vaxxer loonies had their bullshit bluff called."
The dehumanization reached new heights as Jimmy Kimmel mocked the unvaccinated seeking medical care: "Vaccinated person, come right in. Unvaccinated person who gobbled horse goo... Rest in peace, wheezy." Howard Stern demanded mandatory vaccination while cursing freedom itself: "When are we gonna stop putting up with idiots in this country and just say it's mandatory to get vaccinated? Fuck 'em, fuck their freedom." Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, who once championed individual rights, declared "Screw your freedom!"
These weren't fringe voices - they were mainstream entertainers with millions of followers, demonstrating how quickly "progressive" entertainment could normalize discrimination and celebrate the stripping of basic human rights. Their audiences, who typically pride themselves on defending the marginalized, cheered calls for persecution when it aligned with their tribal identity and boosted their social capital.
The absurdity was obvious to anyone who dared think critically. The architects of this deception are now openly admitting what critics said all along. Janine Small testified before the European Parliament, "No, we did not know whether the vaccine stopped transmission before we rolled it out," justifying this by saying they had to "move at the speed of science."
These admissions are accelerating. CDC Director Walensky now acknowledges they were "too late" to recognize natural immunity. FDA officials admit myocarditis risks were known earlier than disclosed. Each revelation confirms not just what critics warned about, but what the data had shown from the beginning.
Most telling of all, Dr. Deborah Birx, former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator who was one of the chief architects of America's COVID policies, finally admitted last week: "What we got wrong in public health is we didn't explain that COVID vaccines were nothing like childhood vaccines... That is not what the COVID vaccine was designed to do. It wasn't designed against infection."
Yet these admissions come only after the damage is done - after lives were upended, careers destroyed, and basic rights stripped from those who simply pointed to evidence that contradicted the official narrative.
For almost five years, anyone pointing out the data and facts now being casually revealed by public health officials faced social and professional exile. The entire justification for mandates, passports, and mass firings was based on claims that public officials and the compliant public never bothered to verify or actively suppressed before coercing millions into compliance.
If the vaccines indeed protected the vaccinated, why did anyone else's medical choices matter? The answer reveals the deeper agenda: This was never about health - it was about enforcing social coercion. As Matt Orfalea brilliantly documented in one of his viral video compilations, media talking heads robotically chanted "no one's safe unless everyone's safe," while a civilized society descended into tribal psychosis.
This mass psychosis wasn't accidental - it was the product of sophisticated reality engineering. The same systems that manufactured consent for endless wars were now deployed to enforce medical and social compliance. But this time, they had new tools: social media algorithms, AI content moderation, and real-time narrative control. And at every level, the deception was coordinated from the top down:
Dr. Fauci: "When people are vaccinated they're not going to get infected"
President Biden: "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations"
CDC Director Walensky: "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don't get sick"
Rachel Maddow: "Now we know the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops"
Pfizer CEO Bourla: "There is no variant that escapes the protection of our vaccines"
Bill Gates: "Everyone who takes the vaccine is not just protecting themselves but reducing their transmission”
Today's fact-checkers will claim these statements were "taken out of context" but the truth is simpler: These weren't mistakes or misunderstandings - they were deliberate deceptions designed to drive compliance. Even as internal data contradicted these absolute claims, the messaging remained unwavering.
The Manufacturing of Data
The deception went beyond mere rhetoric. Professor Norman Fenton's 2021 statistical analysis revealed how trial data was manipulated through deceptive classification of deaths - warnings that were systematically ignored by those who now admit to "mistakes" in coverage. Fenton, along with Professor Martin Neil, has continued this analysis, uncovering progressively more damning evidence of statistical manipulation. Their papers have documented how health authorities systematically misclassified deaths, manipulated test timing, and obscured key data points to maintain the "safe and effective" narrative.
Whistleblower Brook Jackson, a regional director at Ventavia Research Group, exposed fundamental violations of data integrity protocols at Pfizer trial sites, including falsified data, improper unblinding of participants, and deliberate suppression of adverse event reporting. Her revelations, which should have immediately halted the trials, were ignored by both the FDA and major media outlets.
A forensic analysis of Pfizer's trial data reveals troubling manipulation. A September 2023 preprint paper titled "Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial" documented a subject who was originally in the placebo group but received a Moderna shot on December 23, 2020. This subject was subsequently hospitalized with COVID on December 31, died on January 11, 2021, and was still classified as an 'unvaccinated death' despite having received an mRNA vaccine. This deliberate misclassification skewed mortality data in favor of vaccination. Without this manipulation, the data would have shown the vaccinated were 31% more likely to die.
This wasn't an isolated incident. According to Pfizer’s Post-Marketing Experience Report, released under FOIA, 42,086 case reports of adverse effects were submitted in just the first 90 days after release, including 1,223 deaths. Despite these alarming signals - which should have prompted immediate review - the public was repeatedly assured of the product's safety, while those raising concerns were systematically silenced. 'Safe and effective' may very well be the most consequential lie of our lifetime.
In fact, the FDA attempted to hide the trial data for 75 years - a stunning admission of what they hoped to conceal. Only through attorney Aaron Siri's relentless FOIA litigation was the public able to access these documents at all. When finally forced to release it, the documents revealed nine pages of previously hidden side effects. Authors like Ed Dowd and Naomi Wolf have meticulously documented these deceptions.
The manipulation continued at every level. Cities like Chicago employed "dastardly definitions" to obscure real data during the Delta wave. But the truth would eventually emerge through institutions too prestigious to ignore. A groundbreaking Cleveland Clinic study of 51,000 employees found the more shots people received, the more likely they were to get COVID-19. In the authors' own surprised words: "The multivariable analyses found that... the greater the number of vaccine doses previously received, the higher the risk of COVID-19."
Beyond ineffectiveness, safety concerns mounted. A February 2023 peer-reviewed study in the European Heart Journal evaluated 8.9 million young adults from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, finding that "booster dose is associated with increased myocarditis risk in adolescents and young adults." Among males, a third dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine was associated with an "increased incidence rate of myocarditis" within 28 days of inoculation. Studies from Thailand and Switzerland showed similar cardiovascular effects. In a sane and just world, these products wouldn't have been approved in the first place - let alone mandated or defended at all costs.
This data directly contradicted every justification used to persecute the unvaccinated. UK Health Security Agency surveillance reports from early 2022 confirmed these findings, showing higher infection rates per 100,000 in many age groups among the triple-vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. In the years since, dozens of peer-reviewed studies from institutions worldwide have consistently validated these observations, forming an overwhelming body of evidence that the original claims about preventing transmission were false. Yet by then, careers had been destroyed, families divided, and lives upended based on a lie. But data manipulation was only one component of a much larger system designed to protect the narrative at all costs.
The Architecture of Control
Social media transformed this engineered reality into an automated system. Platform "adjustments" reduced engagement on vaccine-questioning posts by 95%. Shadow-banning isolated critics while amplifying approved narratives, creating an artificial consensus. AI content moderation ensured only pharmaceutical-friendly perspectives reached wide audiences.
The financial entanglement between media and pharma completed the cycle of influence:
Pharmaceutical companies collectively became the second-largest advertising spenders in the U.S. in 2021, surpassing tech companies, as spending on digital and TV promotions surged
During the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmaceutical advertising increased significantly across major networks, with pharma companies emerging as the dominant advertisers on primetime news
By mid-2021, pharmaceutical companies accounted for a dominant share of ad revenue on major news networks, outspending nearly all other industries
This wasn't just bias - it was a carefully structured ecosystem of self-interest. The same system that enriched Halliburton through endless wars now enriched Pfizer through endless boosters. The military-industrial complex had found its medical counterpart. The companies selling vaccines controlled the channels reporting on their safety, creating a perfect closed loop of propaganda: from corporate press release to news headline to social media share to fact-checker verification to public policy.
The selective amplification of narratives isn’t an accident - it’s an integral part of reality engineering. Consider this: just last week, West Texas has 58 measles cases, some in the vaccinated, and it makes national headlines. Meanwhile, VAERS reports 2,659,050 adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines (including 38,398 deaths) and it’s ignored. The media treats one as a crisis and the other as a conspiracy theory.
While VAERS is designed as an early warning system rather than a definitive assessment tool, the stark contrast in how these safety signals were treated compared to other vaccines reveals a troubling double standard in safety monitoring. And that's before we account for the fact that VAERS is notoriously underreported.
This coordinated messaging wasn't coincidental. A well-documented revolving door between regulators and pharmaceutical companies solidified their dominance over public health narratives.
Mark McClellan: From FDA commissioner regulating Johnson & Johnson to Board member
Scott Gottlieb: From FDA commissioner regulating Pfizer to Board member
Stephen Hahn: From FDA commissioner regulating Moderna to CMO of their venture capital backer
James C. Smith: From Reuters CEO 'informing' about vaccines to Pfizer Board member
This circular system extended to news coverage itself. Would the public have maintained faith in the "official narrative" if they understood that the "impartial" journalists delivering it had their salaries substantially funded by pharmaceutical advertising? Pfizer alone spent $2.4 billion on TV advertising in 2021. Every "breaking news" segment about the pandemic was effectively "brought to you by Pfizer" - the same company profiting from the promoted solutions. This wasn't mere bias; it was a fundamental conflict of interest that transformed news programs into pharmaceutical marketing channels with a veneer of journalistic credibility.
The legal framework itself exposed the deception. These weren't medical products subject to normal safety protocols - they were military countermeasures, allowing manufacturers to bypass regulations while enjoying complete liability protection. On February 4, 2020, with fewer than a dozen confirmed COVID cases and zero deaths, the Department of Defense declared it a "national security threat" and activated emergency powers designed for weapons of mass destruction. Science took a back seat to military protocols, with unprecedented emergency declarations occurring in lockstep across countries.
Even the language itself was manipulated to accommodate these novel products. The CDC quietly changed the definition of "vaccination" multiple times: from "the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease" to simply "producing protection" - a subtle but critical shift that lowered the bar from actual immunity to mere "protection." This wasn't semantic nitpicking - it was a deliberate reframing to retrofit the definition around products that couldn't meet the traditional standard. By changing the very meaning of "vaccine," they could claim these gene therapy products belonged in the same category as traditional vaccines, despite their fundamentally different mechanisms and outcomes.
The implementation of this control architecture wasn't improvised - it followed a detailed playbook established before the crisis. Event 201's recommendations went far beyond theoretical discussions about "misinformation." The simulation explicitly outlined tactics that would later be deployed:
"Flooding the zone" with approved messaging to overwhelm contrary information
Using "trusted voices" (celebrities and influencers) to shape public opinion
Developing surveillance tools to identify dissent before it could spread
Creating pre-bunking strategies to discredit anticipated criticism
Establishing mechanisms to suppress personal testimonials that contradicted official narratives
Most disturbing was how precisely these tactics were deployed against the vaccine-injured. Just as the simulation had rehearsed, those reporting adverse effects were systematically labeled as spreaders of "misinformation" - precisely as the blueprint had prescribed.
The synchronized global response demonstrated unprecedented coordination across political and geographical boundaries. World leaders simultaneously adopted identical phrases like "Build Back Better," while implementing remarkably similar policies, regardless of their political orientation or their countries' specific circumstances. This perfect alignment of messaging and policy represents a level of international coordination never before witnessed - suggesting either an extraordinary coincidence or deliberate orchestration beyond national interests. How does a democratically-established public health policy manifest identically across dozens of culturally and politically diverse nations? The answer lies in pre-crisis planning through non-governmental organizations and unelected global institutions.
This wasn't an accident. It was a deliberate construction. Reality itself became a manufactured product, shaped and reinforced through social media algorithms, legacy media narratives, and censorship infrastructure. It was no longer about individual facts—it was about the entire context in which those facts existed.
The terrifying part is that once you're locked into one of these timelines, breaking out feels impossible. Not because people are incapable of critical thinking, but because they are only given the pieces of the puzzle that fit their pre-constructed reality. If your entire media environment tells you vaccine passports were necessary to save lives, then anyone who opposes them must be selfish or dangerous. If your reality tells you vaccine injuries are a rare anomaly, then the people raising concerns must be crackpot lunatics. Once the stage has been set, people don't need to be actively deceived—they simply need to never see the information that contradicts their version of reality.
And the scariest part? This isn't just about COVID. This is now the model for shaping public perception on every issue. We don't just live in an era of misinformation. We live in an era where entire realities are constructed and assigned to us, and stepping outside of them comes at a personal and social cost. It's not just that people were manipulated. It's that they were placed inside an entirely different timeline - one where dissent itself is unthinkable.
The Experiment Without Consent
Perhaps most chilling is the complete absence of informed consent. The crisis revealed how quickly we abandoned our most sacred protections. The First Amendment wasn't just challenged - it was systematically dismantled. Free speech, designed to protect the flow of information and allow people to hear all sides, was replaced with coordinated censorship. The same voices who once defended "speaking truth to power" now demanded power to silence dissent.
These actions violated not just ethics, but the foundational principles established after World War II to prevent exactly this kind of coercion. The very protections created to prevent medical experimentation without consent were themselves abused.
The public was never told they were participating in what amounts to the largest medical experiment in human history. The formulation that received FDA approval was never actually administered - a bait-and-switch that would be criminal in any other context. We still lack proper testing data, with the general population serving as unwitting test subjects.
The absence of informed consent was particularly egregious for pregnant women and those of childbearing age. Pfizer's own December 2020 documents, published by the UK government, recommended against administering these shots to pregnant and breastfeeding women. Their trial informed consent documents explicitly stated:
Source: Pfizer Trial Documents, Page 12
Yet public health officials aggressively promoted these products to pregnant women and young girls without disclosing these warnings.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) rapidly reversed decades of cautious protocol by recommending these products for pregnant women in July 2021, despite the absence of completed clinical trials in this population. This unprecedented departure from established safety procedures placed an entire generation of mothers and their unborn children in an uncontrolled experiment.
Those who raised concerns about giving experimental drugs to expecting mothers were branded as dangerous misinformation spreaders. Most shocking of all, the "studies" used to justify safety in pregnancy weren't conducted on pregnant women at all - they were only done on mice. The medical establishment that once adhered to the precautionary principle of "first, do no harm" now embraced an unprecedented experiment on the reproductive health of an entire generation.
VAERS reports of miscarriages and stillbirths increased by 450% in 2022 compared to the previous decade's baseline. While similar vaccines showed no such signal, authorities dismissed these reports without investigation. The same voices that popularized "believe women" suddenly found endless reasons to doubt women's experiences when they contradicted pharmaceutical interests - just as my friend had dismissed the contradiction between forced medical procedures and bodily autonomy.
While the CDC and public health officials kept assuring the public that the mRNA stayed isolated to the injection site, Moderna's pitch to Wall Street told a very different story. In a presentation to investors (later removed from their website but archived via the Wayback Machine), Moderna openly boasted about their technology's ability to deliver mRNA to bone marrow, leading to "HSPC transfection and long-term modulation of all hematopoietic lineages." Their slides proudly displayed how different LNP (lipid nanoparticle) formulations and repeat dosing could "enhance transfection" across various systems, including bone marrow and human HSPCs (hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells) in "humanized-mouse model systems."
And BioNTech's SEC filings were equally revealing. The company warned investors about "irreversibly changing the DNA in a cell" and the need for "additional testing for long-term side effects."
As Bayer's pharmaceutical director Stefan Oelrich would later admit, these were indeed gene therapy products - exactly what the public was condemned for suggesting.
The semantic debate over terminology served primarily to obscure the novel mechanism of action from the public.
The duplicity is breathtaking. One narrative for the public, another for investors. One story about safety for mass consumption, another about risks and biological impact for those funding the operation. The public was not only denied informed consent – they were actively misinformed about the nature of what was being injected into their bodies.
The Human Cost
I witnessed these stories firsthand while working with filmmaker Jennifer Sharp on her groundbreaking documentary "Anecdotals." The film provided a nuanced, human lens into the experiences of the vaccine-injured - individuals who trusted the system and paid a devastating price. These weren't distant statistics or "rare cases" easily dismissed by pharmaceutical companies; they were real people whose lives were upended, first by injury and then by a system that refused to acknowledge their existence.
The film's power lies in giving voice to those who have been systematically silenced. Despite attempts to discredit their experiences as "just anecdotes," these stories reveal a pattern that can no longer be ignored.
Recently, even prestigious mainstream institutions have been forced to acknowledge the reality of persistent vaccine injuries. Multiple research initiatives, including a Yale University study, have begun documenting what was previously dismissed: spike protein persistence long after vaccination, chronic inflammation, immune system disruption, and reactivation of dormant viruses.
Yet even as evidence mounts, the truth is often packaged and monetized by the very institutions that denied it initially. Research validating vaccine injuries becomes a commodity, with suffering participants treated as data points rather than patients needing care. Some participants have even withdrawn from these studies, alleging that researchers seem more interested in managing the narrative than addressing their medical needs.
For people like Lyndsey, a registered nurse and whistleblower who has documented continuous spike protein production for over 1,500 days since her December 2020 vaccination, these academic acknowledgments come too late and offer too little. Her lab results consistently show immune system dysfunction and inflammatory markers that align with emerging research findings, yet comprehensive treatment remains elusive.
These aren't just statistics or distant characters - they're our neighbors, friends, and family members who trusted the system and paid an unthinkable price. They don't need virtual sympathy or performative gestures. They need medical research into treatments. They need financial support for care. Most importantly, they need us to ensure this never happens again.
Yet instead of support, those who spoke out faced persecution. The machinery that silenced the injured also targeted anyone who questioned the narrative.
I experienced this mob mentality in action when I dared question the prevailing narrative. In 2022, posted what I thought was thoughtful thread comparing vaccine passports to historical patterns of discrimination. As the descendant of Holocaust survivors, I carefully noted that I wasn't comparing current events to 1943 Germany, but rather warning about how societies normalize discrimination through incremental steps - the exact process that began in 1933.
The response proved my point perfectly. The New York Times published a story that left out the historical context of my explanation. A mob formed demanding my resignation from the brewery I had built over a decade. Thousands of messages exist on the Internet about what a horrible person I am. After a successful two decade career in tech and then with the brewery, if you Google my name, most of the content describes a person I don't recognize. This wasn't just cancellation - it was digital character assassination. Some friends never spoke to me again. My crime wasn't comparing current events to the Holocaust's horrors (never once did I invoke the Holocaust), but rather daring to point out how "checkpoint societies" begin: with the normalization of discriminating against a group by suggesting they pose a threat to public health.
The historical parallels were impossible to ignore - yet most disturbing was how few people recognized them. A generation raised without understanding history, critical thinking, or basic scientific principles couldn't see the patterns repeating before their eyes. Nazi propaganda had portrayed Jews as spreaders of typhus. Now, mainstream media outlets portrayed the unvaccinated as spreaders of COVID, despite clear evidence that vaccination status had no impact on transmission. In both cases, pseudo-scientific claims about public health were used to justify stripping basic rights from a targeted group.
This wasn't an isolated incident. Across the country, professionals who raised concerns faced similar campaigns of intimidation:
Doctors who reported vaccine injuries had their licenses threatened
Scientists who questioned data faced academic censure
Business owners who opposed mandates faced coordinated boycotts
Journalists who investigated pharmaceutical conflicts of interest were sidelined
The pattern was always the same: first the media distortion, then the mob, then the institutional pressure. It is a dangerous world where we cannot say what we believe is right out of fear of losing everything we worked so hard to build.
Reality used to be something we shared. Not anymore. In the past few years, we have witnessed something unprecedented: the deliberate fracturing of reality into separate, incompatible timelines. Not based on geography or culture, but based entirely on information streams.
In one timeline, the past few years were defined by a heroic global effort to stop a deadly pandemic. Governments acted with urgency, the vaccines were a miraculous solution that saved lives, and those who refused them were reckless threats to public safety. In another timeline, the same period was a coordinated mass psychological operation - one that justified authoritarian overreach, rewrote the social contract, and gaslit the injured while funneling trillions of dollars to corporations. This timeline fracturing represents reality engineering's ultimate achievement—not just controlling information, but creating entirely separate perceptual worlds where the same events have fundamentally different meanings. When reality itself becomes a manufactured product, traditional concepts of truth and evidence no longer function as social anchors. Depending on which timeline you were placed in, your entire understanding of the world - who was good, who was evil, what was truth - was predetermined.
This timeline fracturing represents reality engineering's ultimate achievement - not just controlling information, but creating entirely separate perceptual worlds where the same events have fundamentally different meanings. When reality itself becomes a manufactured product, traditional concepts of truth and evidence no longer function as social anchors. Depending on which timeline you were placed in, your entire understanding of the world - who was good, who was evil, what was truth - was predetermined.
I get it - because I was duped too. I believed them. I was stupid enough to get "vaccinated" without questioning (or really, even looking at) the data. It wasn't until days later, after a friend pushed me to dig deeper, that I realized I had injected something into my body without any real understanding of what it was. And when I looked at the evidence, I felt betrayed. The difference is, I was willing to admit I was wrong. Others still can't, because it would mean acknowledging they participated in something unforgivable.
It's not just about ego - it's about identity. To admit they were wrong means confronting the fact that they enforced a system of persecution against their own friends, family, and neighbors. So instead, they double down. Like victims of Stockholm syndrome, they became ardent defenders of the system that harmed them. Even after being lied to, coerced, and in many cases injured, they couldn't break free from their psychological captivity. Because once you've helped enforce injustice, admitting the truth means confronting your own complicity in mass discrimination.
Some relationships are irretrievably lost. Not because we changed, but because acknowledging the truth would require dismantling their entire worldview. They're trapped in a reality we can no longer share.
The Manufacturing of Truth
The path to justice requires dismantling both the machinery of reality engineering and its social enforcement mechanisms. We must acknowledge not just the reality of vaccine injuries - now validated by premier research institutions - but the broader system that made their persecution possible. This means creating spaces where suppressed experiences can be shared without fear, challenging the systemic gaslighting of victims, and demanding accountability from both the architects of this deception and those who enforced it through performative compliance.
Real resistance requires exposing the conflicts of interest that drive reality engineering, from pharmaceutical profits to military agendas. Most crucially, we must establish safeguards against the weaponization of social consensus for medical coercion. This includes the ways institutions co-opt and control even the recognition of their own wrongdoing. When prestigious universities finally validate what the injured have been saying for years, it comes with strings attached: data monetization, narrative control, careful limitation of scope. Real justice isn't just about acknowledgment - it's about full disclosure and actual care for the injured.
A Call for Real Justice
To those who now post about the next trending cause while pretending the last few years never happened: Your performative activism has been exposed for what it always was - a social fashion accessory, discarded the moment real courage was required. You've lost all credibility to speak about inclusion, justice, or human rights. You didn't just observe discrimination - you celebrated it. You didn't just ignore medical coercion - you demanded it. You didn't just witness the silencing of the injured - you actively participated in it.
The pandemic exposed a fundamental truth about modern activism: those who perform virtue the loudest often enable harm the most enthusiastically. The same voices that change their social media profiles for every trending cause revealed themselves as eager participants in actual discrimination when it aligned with their tribal interests. Their commitment to human rights extended exactly as far as their perceived social standing and engagement metrics.
This wasn't just hypocrisy - it was a complete moral collapse masked by algorithmic theater. The Instagram-ification of protest, the reduction of resistance to hashtags, the substitution of profile picture frames for principle - all of it served to create the illusion of justice while enabling its opposite. Real resistance isn't about social media gestures or convenient forgiveness - it's about standing firm against oppression, even when - especially when - that oppression comes wrapped in the language of public good.
The unvaccinated and vaccine-injured represent the most brutally marginalized groups in recent American history. The scale of this systematic exclusion was unprecedented in modern America:
Over 7 million Americans lost jobs due to mandates
22,000 military service members discharged
50,000+ healthcare workers terminated
Countless families denied access to basic services
Children barred from schools and activities
The injured systematically denied medical care and disability benefits
No other group in recent history has faced such comprehensive banishment from society - excluded from workplaces, education, travel, entertainment, and even basic medical care, all while being publicly demonized by mainstream media and entertainment figures.
Their story isn't trending. Their flag isn't fashionable. Their cause won't get you likes. But ignoring them doesn't erase what happened. The same people who loudly signaled their virtue with their vaccine selfies now pretend the past five years never happened. But we remember. And we won't let them rewrite history.
Today, many of those same enforcers have moved on to their next causes - whatever generates the most engagement, whatever lets them perform virtue without risking anything real. But there can be no moving forward without reconciliation. The machinery of social coercion they so eagerly operated stands exposed. Their poses of moral virtue lie in ruins. The next time they change their profile picture for some fashionable cause, remember: They already showed us who they really are when ostracizing dissenters was trending. This isn't over. The system that turned neighbors against each other remains in place, waiting for the next crisis to weaponize empathy into compliance. We must act now to prevent the next manufactured crisis. This means demanding complete transparency from public health institutions, supporting independent research into treatments for the vaccine-injured, creating legal protections for medical autonomy, and building information networks resistant to censorship. Most importantly, it means holding accountable those who knowingly deceived the public—not through vengeance, but through a truth and reconciliation process that ensures such widespread harm never happens again. The only question is: next time, will you recognize it happening? And if you comply again, what will be left of your humanity when it's over?
True solidarity isn't measured by profile pictures or hashtags, but by the willingness to stand against injustice when it costs you something. During COVID, genuine allies wouldn't have been posting selfies with vaccine cards, but rather demanding transparency when the injured were silenced, questioning disproportionate impacts on marginalized communities, and refusing to participate in segregating society—even at the cost of their social standing. They would have recognized that human rights aren't partisan luxuries that apply only to favored groups, but universal principles that matter most when they're inconvenient. They would have seen that discrimination dressed in the language of public health is still discrimination. Instead, most self-proclaimed activists failed the most significant civil rights test of our generation, revealing that their commitment to justice extended precisely as far as their social media engagement metrics. The next time a crisis emerges and you're told who to fear, who to exclude, and which questions not to ask, remember: courage isn't joining the chorus of the comfortable—it's speaking truth when the consequences are real. History will remember not just who enforced injustice, but who remained silent as it happened.
The long-term damage extends beyond the immediate casualties. Public health institutions have destroyed decades of accumulated trust through their willing participation in deception. The next genuine health crisis will be met with justified skepticism by millions who witnessed this betrayal. Medical authorities have traded long-term credibility for short-term compliance, creating a dangerous void where every health recommendation will now be questioned, regardless of merit. Rebuilding this trust will require not just new leadership, but institutional transparency, accountability for past actions, and the restoration of principles like informed consent and data integrity as non-negotiable foundations of public health.