
Fat Propaganda: Pre-Diabetic Diverse Heifer ‘Decolonizes’ Yoga

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

Fat Propaganda Roundup: Documenting the meatiest, juiciest cuts of “fat acceptance” propaganda from corporate and social media.

Diverse heifer with pre-diabetes, alleged yoga guru, wants to ‘decolonize’ it

“Decolonizing” everything white people enjoy is very 2016, but this lady is still at it.

Some signs point to the post-Floyd, post-#MeToo cash infusion that the DEI industry has enjoyed of late being on the decline, but the privatized, de facto welfare industry the BLM people engineered for themselves over the last decade still pays for now — way better than literal government welfare.

Via People (emphasis added):

Jessamyn Stanley needs you to know what yoga is really about — and it's not the poses.

In her new book Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance, the yoga instructor and body activist shares reflective personal essays that touch upon everything from racism to the cultural appropriation of American yoga, from consumerism to cannabis.

And while the timing couldn't be better considering the current cultural climate, the idea for the book came to her years ago while she was writing her first book, Every Body Yoga, a guide to developing a yoga practice.

"I realized yoga is a lot more than postures," she tells PEOPLE. "The postures get to be more complicated, not because you're practicing harder gymnastics or physical postures, but because you're practicing emotional and mental and really spiritual postures."…

Stanley has been nurturing this self-awareness in the nearly 10 years since she has been breaking barriers in the yoga world, tackling topics like fat-shaming, her queer Black identity and unattainable beauty standards. In Yoke — which means yoga in Sanskrit — she uses her own life as a a metaphor to further explore the coming together of mind and body, light and the dark, good and the bad — both on and off the mat.”

The lard ball guru in the flesh

When all you have is a giant Equity™ hammer, everything looks like a nail — i.e., the “everything is racist, sexist, fatphobic etc.” trope DEI hustlers have been cashing in on for years at this point.

Related: MSNBC Claims MTG’s Rap Video Is Racist

Via Yoga Journal (emphasis added):

At a glance, the yoga world appears to have made progress around body inclusivity. Your Instagram feed likely features teachers and practitioners of all identities, sizes, shapes, ages, colors, backgrounds, and abilities. Athletic wear companies include more realistic mannequins than the ones of years past. Ads for yoga studios typically include at least one larger-bodied person…

But when we look at the fuller picture of yoga as a mirror of society, there’s been an inch of movement compared to the light years of distance we still need to traverse.

The contrast between where we think we are and where we need to be is perhaps most apparent when full-figured people appear in the media. Take yoga teacher and body inclusivity activist Jessamyn Stanley, who continues to endure intense criticism whenever she appears on magazine covers and in ads. Most recently, Stanley came under scrutiny when a Gatorade Fit ad campaign featured her practicing demanding yoga poses.”

Here Jessamyn is doing the above-mentioned advertising for glorified sugar water.

Continuing via People:

“The book explores the existence of white supremacy and cultural appropriation in American yoga. "I would venture to say that everything in our collective society is rooted in white supremacy. I am sure there are many people who would disagree with that, and honestly I don't care because I believe that and I know it's the case," she says.

"I think that we see it show up in a lot of different ways. In the same way it's everywhere else and it has polluted everything else, it's polluted yoga. It's very much a part of how yoga has spread in America. The popularity of yoga really came down to wealthy white people wanting to learn and explore in a very specific way, and that's why yoga has been so white for so long in America."

Detailing the cultural appropriation in yoga, Stanley says it's "rampant because we are still living in the legacy of colonization."”

Now, this “decolonization” talk is ironic, given that one look at Jessamyn and one realizes she is evidently black — or African-American, or colored, or whatever you’re supposed to call black people today to avoid getting fired from your job and deplatformed from social media — which begs the question: “Bitch, who you think you is?”

Anyway, this is all very enlightening philosophical stuff that Jessamyn is educating us about, but it might be more compelling if she didn’t literally have pre-diabetes, well on her way to full-on diabetes. (“Pre-diabetes” as opposed to “diabetes” being a bullshit diagnosis; it’s all indicative of metabolic dysfunction.)

You’ll never look at pasta the same

*Trigger warning: please don’t watch if you are eating, have eaten recently, or plan to eat in the near future. Armageddon Prose can’t be held responsible for your natural and adaptive gag reflex.

TikTok butterball does obscene food porn: “Say yes to pasta and no diet culture.”

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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via October 24th 2024