Originally published via Armageddon Prose:
The battle cry of lobotomized libtards worldwide, the bitter clingers to their Prozac:
“Molṑn labé, RFK!”
The progressive meltdown ensued after a seemingly mundane directive to HHS that duly confirmed Secretary RFK Jr. — “duly confirmed” being the operative phrase for all of the self-professed Respecters of Democracy™ — is going to re-evaluate the scam that is SSRIs, which I have covered at AP previously:
“Assess the prevalence of and threat posed by the prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antipsychotics, [and] mood stabilizers.”
Based on the hysterical reaction, one would assume that Kennedy had announced a Holocaust of the mentally differently abled.
Related: Poll: Liberal Women Experience Worst Mental Health of All Demographics
Via Mother Jones (emphasis added):
“Hours after being confirmed as Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. issued a statement that laid out sweeping plans for his first 100 days in office. Chief among his goals, he wrote, was to combat what he called a “growing health crisis”* of chronic disease. The document called for the federal government to investigate the “root causes” of a broad range of conditions, including autism, ADHD, asthma, obesity, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis. Conspicuously absent was any explicit mention of childhood vaccines, which Kennedy has long railed against as the head of the anti-vaccine advocacy group Children’s Health Defense.
But the document did zero in on another one of his fixations: a class of widely prescribed drugs that treat depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. The government, he said, would “assess the prevalence of and threat posed by the prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antipsychotics, [and] mood stabilizers.””
*Mother Jones is obliged here to place “growing health crisis” and “root causes” in quotation marks so their lobotomized readers understand that there is no mental health crisis and that “root causes” is a hatespeech term invented by white supremacists.
Related: Unhinged Liberals Accuse RFK Jr. of Using Secret Nazi Code on Twitter
“Kennedy has repeatedly railed against what he sees as rampant overprescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, commonly known as SSRIs, which treat depression and anxiety and include medications like Prozac and Zoloft. As with his previous assertions about vaccines, many of his statements about these drugs are not backed by science***.”
**More weasel words: “what he sees as rampant overprescription of” SSRIs.
***His criticism of SSRIs are 100% backed by science — just not the pharma brand of The Science™ that ever sees the light of day in outlets like Mother Jones.
Related: Elizabeth Warren DESTROYED by X Community Notes Over Pharma Corruption
Similar protestations erupted across the liberal mediasphere, such as at Vanity Fair, which, as Tucker Carlson would say, took a break from reporting on thigh-high boots to attempt some journalism.
There is perhaps no more insufferable creature on Earth than a midwit Karen influencer, armed with pharma talking points, smugly regurgitating them at her superiors to her great self-satisfaction, blissfully unaware at the humiliation she has inflicted on herself.
Said midwit Karen influencer’s indignant defense of psychotropic drugs:
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“Never get in a windowless van with a man wearing a ponytail who never blinks,” my Midwestern Irish-Catholic grandmammy warned me as a wee lad.
The ponytailed man who never blinks on selfie VIDEO and whom no one would be surprised to learn menaces the neighborhood children for fun
“The eyes, Chico. They never lie.”
"Crazy bitches united," reads the caption on another post, before the author clarifying that whatever she does when she’s forcibly “off her meds” will be RFK Jr.’s fault.
The permanent victim, relishing forever her victimhood, without any agency whatsoever, her imaginary forced SSRI withdrawal — which RFK Jr. never claimed he would compel in the first place — won’t be her doctor’s fault, won’t be the manufacturer’s fault, and definitely won’t be her fault.
It’ll be Kennedy’s fault for trying to save her from herself.
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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