Final suspect in murder of Philadelphia teen captured over year after ambush shooting outside high school

Dayron Burney-Thorn is one of 5 suspects accused in killing of Nicolas Elizalde, 14, after football scrimmage

A fifth and final suspect in an ambush shooting that killed a 14-year-old boy and wounded several other teens outside a high school after a football scrimmage last year has been captured in Philadelphia, authorities said Monday.

Dayron Burney-Thorn, 17, was tracked down to the city’s Germantown section and tried jumping out a fourth-floor apartment window in a bid to escape arrest for the Sept. 27 shooting outside of Roxborough High School, the U.S. Marshals Service said. 

Photos show the fugitive was taken away on a stretcher after suffering undisclosed injuries. 

Burney-Thorn had been on the run for over 13 months and was also wanted in connection with a separate homicide a day before the shooting outside the high school, officials said.


final suspect in murder of philadelphia teen captured over year after ambush shooting outside high school

Dayron Burney-Thorn, 17, was arrested Monday afternoon in the Germantown section of Philadelphia after more than 13 months on the run, authorities said. (United States Marshals Service)

Authorities said five people jumped from a parked SUV and opened fire on teens who were walking away from an athletic field at the high school. Nicholas Elizalde, 14, of suburban Havertown, was killed, and three other teens were taken to a hospital with wounds. A fourth teen was treated at the scene. 

final suspect in murder of philadelphia teen captured over year after ambush shooting outside high school

Burney-Thorn jumped out of a fourth-floor apartment window in an unsuccessful bid to elude capture, authorities said. (United States Marshals Service)

Police have said they don’t believe Elizalde was one of the intended targets.

final suspect in murder of philadelphia teen captured over year after ambush shooting outside high school

Burney-Thorn was wanted in connection with an ambush shooting that killed 14-year-old Nicolas Elizalde in September 2022 outside Roxborough High School. (United States Marshals Service)


One of the shooters chased a 17-year-old victim down the street, striking him with shots to the leg and arm, and tried to fire as he stood over the victim, but the gun either jammed or was out of bullets, police said.

final suspect in murder of philadelphia teen captured over year after ambush shooting outside high school

Burney-Thorn was put on a stretcher with undisclosed injuries after his capture. (United States Marshals Service)

Yaaseen Bivins, 21, as well as a 17-year-old, a 16-year-old and a 15-year-old have already been arrested in connection with the shooting.

A judge in January ordered Bivins and the three others to stand trial in the shooting. All are charged as adults with murder, aggravated assault, firearms crimes and other counts.

Fox News’ Daneille Wallace and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

Authored by Stephen Sorace via FoxNews October 24th 2023