Flagstock: UNC Chapel Hill fraternity brothers who defended American flag finally getting their 'rager'

John Rich offered to host 'Flagstock' for the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill students who defended the American flag during spring semester campus unrest

Anti-Israel protesters vandalize UNC Chapel Hill chancellor's office, smear red paint on building

A group of anti-Israel agitators vandalized the office of UNC Chapel Hill's chancellor, with multiple protesters smearing red paint and writing swear words on the building. Credit: The Image Direct for Fox News Digital.

The fraternity brothers at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill who defended the American flag during spring semester campus unrest are getting their party.

A GoFundMe page created by a third party raised more than $500,000 for the college men who prevented the American flag on Chapel Hill's quad from touching the ground when anti-Israel agitators tried to replace it with the Palestinian flag, promising a "rager." Country singer John Rich then offered to host a concert on Monday in their honor.

That concert turned into a large show featuring multiple artists and bands including Big & Rich, Aaron Lewis, John Ondrasik and Lee Greenwood. More than 2,000 invited Chapel Hill attendees are expected to show on Monday.

"Somebody raised these guys correctly."

— John Rich

"I was so impressed that, first of all, someone had taught them . . . that you never let the American flag touch the ground, under any circumstances," Rich told Fox News Digital when asked about his impression of the photo in May. "Somebody raised these guys correctly. They understand what's going on."


UNC Chapel Hill students hold up the American flag during a campus protest

UNC Chapel Hill students hold up the American flag during a campus protest on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Anti-Israel agitators replaced the American flag with the Palestinian flag during the demonstration. (Parker Ali/The Daily Tar Heel)

The flag incident happened in May, when anti-Israel agitators set up an encampment on the quad, successfully replacing Old Glory once before UNC Chancellor Lee Roberts responded with law enforcement officers to return the American flag to its place. When activists, some of whom were not affiliated with the nation's first public university, attempted to take it down a second time, a group of male students — including members of multiple fraternities — stepped in.

A student photographer captured the moment that went viral on social media and made national headlines as similar protests occurred on college campuses throughout the country. 


UNC Chapel Hill students hold up the American flag during a campus protest

UNC Chapel Hill students hold up the American flag during a campus protest on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Anti-Israel agitators replaced the American flag with the Palestinian flag during the demonstration. (Parker Ali/The Daily Tar Heel)

"Today was a sad yet empowering day at Chapel Hill," student Guillermo Estrada, class of 2027, said in a May 1 post on X. "When I walked to class, I saw the Palestinian flag raised on our quad flag pole, and was immediately upset at the act that these ‘protesters’ had made. I cannot say I am fully educated on the Israel/Palestine conflict but it upset me that my country's flag was disrespected in order to advocate for another."

Estrada added that Chancellor Roberts and officers who replaced the flag the first time "were met with profanity, middle fingers, thrown bottles, rocks, and water." Videos circulating on social media show a group of students singing the National Anthem and chanting, "USA!" as the American flag was returned to the pole.

"We stood for an hour defending the flag so many fight to protect."

— Guillermo Estrada

"When the flag was raised once again, the Greek community began singing the National anthem. As the Chancellor left, the quad erupted into chaos as protesters began removing the flag once again, preparing to destroy it," Estrada continued. "My fraternity brother and others ran over to hold it up, in order for it not to touch the ground. People began throwing water bottles at us, rocks, sticks, calling us profane names. We stood for an hour defending the flag so many fight to protect."

Protesters, Palestinian flag

About 1000 pro-Palestinian demonstrators rally at the South Building after a "Gaza solidarity encampment" was removed by police early Tuesday morning, April 30, 2024, at UNC-Chapel Hill.  (Travis Long/News & Observer/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

Estrada went on to explain that he comes from an immigrant family and a "military community" where he "saw first hand the sacrifices they make."

"I will not stand for the disrespect these ‘protest[e]rs’ cause for the sake of another country," Estrada wrote. "My LDOC will be memorable in knowing that my fraternity brothers and others fought to keep the flag up. But it was also be memorable [sic] in knowing that so many yearn to disrespect it."


Vandalized Chancellor's building

Protestors stamp red handprint stains on the Chancellor's building at UNC Chapel Hill, Saturday, May 11, 2024. Earlier in the day, students vandalized the Chancellor's building in protest of the Hamas-Israel war. (The Image Direct for Fox News Digital)

The fraternities included in the American flag moment included Pi Kappa Phi, AEPi, Delta Upsilon, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, and Zeta Beta Tau, according to the GoFundMe.


"We told you our intent was to send any excess funds leftover from the party to worthy causes, entities that are consistent with the theme of the fundraiser. Charities proposed by the frats include: Back the Blue NC, Wounded Warrior Project, Children of Fallen Patriots, and Zeta Beta Tau Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism. Honoring donor intent continues to be Pints for Patriots' north star," a June update on the GoFundMe page reads. "We are excited for Labor Day. More updates and surprises to follow in the weeks to come!"

The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s campus

The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s campus on Thursday, May 2, 2024. Students from the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity are being commended after photos surfaced of them holding up the American flag during an anti-Israel protest earlier this week. (The Image Direct for Fox News Digital)

The "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" singer in May commended the "bravery" of the students who held up the flag for going against the grain of the protesters and standing up for what they believe in.

"I think that when people, especially young people, have enough guts and determination to proclaim their love for the country and show their respect for the flag — when it's an inconvenient moment, when it's a tough moment to do it — they deserve to be recognized for that," Rich said. "And I'm hoping that when we recognize them in such a huge way, I hope it ignites that same passion all across the country."

Flagstock will be available to stream live online at 7:30 p.m. ET Monday.

Audrey Conklin is a digital reporter for Fox News Digital and FOX Business. Email tips to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on Twitter at @audpants.

Authored by Audrey Conklin via FoxNews August 30th 2024