Former WH comms director admits 2024 looks 'super scary' for President Biden

Palmieri warned that it might be too 'late'

Former Obama adviser admits 2024 looks 'scary' for Biden

Former Obama communications director Jen Palmieri said Thursday that the 2024 election looked "scary" for the president as he continues to trail Donald Trump in the polls. 

Former Obama White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri admitted Thursday that 2024 looked "super scary" for President Biden as Donald Trump leads the president in several general election match-ups.

MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-host Willie Geist asked Palmieri about how she would feel if she was on the president's campaign team right now.

"Look, it’s super scary. The fate of the Republic is hanging in the balance, and there are polls that have Donald Trump leading right now," she said. "To Eugene’s point on the economy, we know that the Federal Reserve is planning on lowering rates. We know that is something that can, that is something that signals to actual consumers, real voters, things are different and things are improving," Palmieri said.

She said she would "feel good" about the economic argument. She previously argued interest rates were at the center of the economic negativity and that the Fed was going to bring down rates.

Jennifer Palmieri

Former WH communications director Jennifer joined MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Thursday and said President Biden's 2024 prospects looked "really scary." (Screenshot/MSNBC)


Palmieri also said she would feel good about making the argument against the "threat" of Trump. 

She said that there was this "scary thing" that overhangs it all, that the country might be "too divided."

"There is this scary thing that overhangs everything about whether, you know, we’re just too divided. It’s just too late. There’s too many silos. How am I going to reach all the voters I need to reach given all the media silos that there are? I mean, that is what I would be turning on every day is just sort of the mechanics of getting that message out," she said during her MSNBC appearance.

A Monmouth University poll released in December found that just 34% of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing. 

President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden during a news conference with Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Ukraine's president, not pictured, in the Indian Treaty Room on the White House complex, in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023. (Yuri Gripas/Abaca/Bloomberg via Getty Images)


MSNBC host Jonathan Lemire said Biden was dealing with an "anti-incumbent" sentiment happening world-wide and said people were overall very unhappy with their leaders.

"Prices are too high, people all over the world are just sort of unhappy with what they have. And I think that is a real fear among some in the Biden camp. Even though the metrics are good, to Jen’s point, they should get better. People say they like things about it, but there’s a sense that just, they've written off the Biden economy, that they won’t give him credit for it and that’s something they’re worried about," he said. 

Lemire said Biden aides told him that they believe the president's best chance to win will be in 2024, when there is a binary choice and the GOP field is gone. 

Former President Donald Trump

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event on December 19, 2023, in Waterloo, Iowa. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)


The MSNBC host added that Americans were likely not paying close attention to the election right now. 

"When they start paying attention again, and they see what Trump say is saying, they hear what he’s threatening to do, and they’re reminded of the chaos of what his time in office was like, but they simply won't want to make the choice to go through that all again. It may not be an enthusiastic vote for President Biden, but it’ll be a vote for President Biden, and they feel like that will be enough to win," Lemire continued.

Hanna Panreck is an associate editor at Fox News.

Authored by Hanna Panreck via FoxNews December 28th 2023