Fox News Poll: Half say US support for Ukraine should have time limit

34% say the war in Ukraine is best described as an emergency

The Republican divide over Ukraine

Paul Gigot interviews U.S. Senator Tom Cotton.

This is one of three stories about the latest Fox News survey. For Americans' views on politicians compared to Taylor Swift click here, and for voters' satisfaction with the direction of the country click here.

As Israel declares war with the terrorist group Hamas, Ukraine’s war against Russia may be losing traction with American voters.

A new Fox News survey finds voters are now more likely to feel U.S. support of Ukraine should have a limited timeframe as opposed to waiting as long as it takes for them to win.

Just over half, 51%, think there should be a time limit, while 45% feel the U.S. should continue to support war-torn Ukraine indefinitely.

That’s a reversal from February when 46% wanted a limit and 50% said support should last as long as it takes.


fox news poll half say us support for ukraine should have time limit

Fox News Polling showing support of Ukraine against Russia.

Urban voters (+14) and voters over age 65 (+13) are among those showing the biggest shift toward setting a time limit.

The poll, released Thursday, also shows 81% feel that what happens in the Russia-Ukraine conflict matters a great deal (39%) or some (41%) to life in the U.S., which is roughly where it’s been for the last year, reaching a high of 85% in the spring of 2022.


The number saying it matters "a great deal" stands at 39%, down from 51% in the early days of the war (May 2022).

fox news poll half say us support for ukraine should have time limit

Fox News Polling asking how much of what happens in Russia-Ukraine conflict matters in the U.S. (Fox News)

Thirty-four percent say the war in Ukraine is best described as an emergency, trailing far behind other issues such as inflation (58% an emergency), opioid addiction (52%), crime (48%), the southern border situation (48%), and climate change (39%).

fox news poll half say us support for ukraine should have time limit

Fox News Polling asking what issues Americans describe as an "emergency." (Fox News)

Even so, about three-quarters of voters are extremely or very concerned the war could escalate into a broader one, which is mostly unchanged since last October. 

However, there has also been downward movement in the "extremely" concerned number: 26% are extremely concerned vs. 33% a year ago. The decrease is across the board, but most notably among independents and rural voters (down 12 points each).

fox news poll half say us support for ukraine should have time limit

Fox News Polling on how concerned people are about the Ukraine-Russia conflict escalating into broader war. (Fox News)

On Russia, 37% of voters approve vs. 58% disapprove of the job President Joe Biden is doing. Still, this number is one of his best. He does slightly worse on the economy (37% approve vs. 62% disapprove) and much worse on border security (30% vs. 66%) and inflation (30% vs. 67%).

Overall, 41% approve of Biden’s job performance vs. 58% disapprove. Exactly where it was last month.


Conducted October 6-9, 2023, under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,007 registered voters nationwide who were randomly selected from a voter file and spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points for all registered voters.

Authored by Victoria Balara via FoxNews October 12th 2023