France Fears New Year's Eve Terror Attack

French authorities have warned terrorists are planning attacks on New Year’s Eve and has deployed 90,000 police and gendarmes to counter the threat.

france fears new years eve terror attack

The reaction to Israel’s bombing of Gaza will see similar measures put into place in Germany, another European country with a high Muslim population.

“I’ve requested a very strong mobilisation of police forces and the gendarmerie under the context of a very high terrorist threat, of course due to what’s happening in Israel and Palestine,” said interior minister Mr Darmanin.

6,000 officers will be on patrol around the Champs-Elysees, where up to 1.5 million revelers will gather to celebrate the New Year’s Eve countdown, while 5,000 anti-terror soldiers from Operation Sentinel will also be on high alert.

35,000 firefighters will also be dispatched across the country, potentially to respond to mass riots and car burnings, which is a favorite past time of France’s new diverse population.

In Germany, interior minister Nancy Faeser said she was “concerned that New Year’s Eve could once again be a day on which we experience blind rage and senseless violence.”

4,000 police will be deployed throughout Berlin to deal with radicalized extremists.

As we previously highlighted, security services in Germany, Spain, Austria have beefed up their presence outside churches and other major landmarks after learning terrorists had schemed to bring chaos to major cities over the Christmas period.

Concern was particularly high around Cologne Cathedral in Germany, site of the infamous New Year’s Eve 2015 mass molestation of women by huge gangs of migrants from North Africa.

Meanwhile, there’s no threat of a terror attack ruining New Years Eve celebrations in Hungary or Poland.

Wonder why that is?

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Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via December 30th 2023