France: Mentally Disabled 25-Year-Old Raped by Migrant in Mall Bathroom, Security Guard Prosecuted For Leaking Video

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

With story after story, year after year, buttressed by the crime data — in the progressively fewer countries and localities where it’s still legal and required for the police to collect and report migrant crime data — the inescapable conclusion is that raping handicapped people in public toilets is simply par the course in many countries on Earth.

Related: Report: Migrants Committed Almost 70% of Violent Crimes in France Last Year

Mall bathroom rapes weren’t, obviously for anyone who grew up in the West in the before-times, standard practice until very recently, which just happens to coincide with an influx of Third World migrants imported by the loving and liberal governing authorities to culturally enrich the bigoted natives.

Via Remix News (emphasis added):

After a shocking video was released last month, which showed an Algerian man allegedly raping a 25-year-old victim in a mall bathroom in the French city of Nantes last month, the security guard who reportedly leaked the video is already facing severe punishment and prosecution.

The video, which was posted by a number of X accounts, was also shared by Remix News. The original post from the popular French account @Cpasdeslo apparently deleted the video or was forced to delete it. However, the video is still widely available from other accounts on the platform.

The rape occurred at the Atlantis mall in Nantes, and the 23-year-old security guard that is suspected of leaking the video is already banned from entering the mall, is barred from the entire security profession, and is facing criminal charges,..

The security guard already appeared in court on charges on Dec. 13, where he requested an adjournment to prepare his defense. He is being prosecuted for invasion of privacy and violating the secrecy of an investigation.”

The leaked surveillance video

How many more Diversity™ rape-sprees will France — or Germany, or the United States — be treated to?

Related: Germany: Gang Rapes Hit Record High, Up to Half Committed by Migrants

If history is the judge, a lot more.

Unless the National Front in France, or AfD in Germany, or MAGA gets power and follows through with what needs to be done.

Related: Incoming Trump Border Czar Pledges to Deport ‘Nine Out of Ten’ Migrants

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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Authored by Armageddon Prose via ZeroHedge December 18th 2024