General David Petraeus Forming Gun Control Group with Mark Kelly

general david petraeus forming gun control group with mark kelly
AP Photos

General David Petraeus is forming a gun control group with Gabby Gifford’s husband Mark Kelly.

The goal of the group will be to push national adoption of the same universal background checks that have failed in California, Colorado, Washington state, and Paris. In fact, Petraeus will be pushing the same background checks that Giffords’ attacker passed in order to acquire the gun he used to wound her on January 8, 2011.

According to The Hill, Kelly announced the launch of the group by talking about military members’ commitment to “protect our constitution and homeland.” He suggested political leaders now need to step up and “do more to protect our rights and save lives.”

Kelly did not mention that more lives are lost in parts of the country where gun control is most stringent–places like Chicago–nor did he explain how passing more laws that interfere with the exercise of Second Amendment rights is somehow akin to protecting those rights.

In addition to Petraeus, former CIA director Michael Hayden and retired Admiral Thad Allen have pledged to push for more gun laws with Mark Kelly.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Awr Hawkins

Authored by Awr Hawkins via Breitbart June 10th 2016