German cabinet approves draft of recreational marijuana law

Aug. 16 (UPI) — Germany’s government Wednesday endorsed a bill legalizing adult recreational marijuana possession, a crucial step toward the Parliament approving legalization of recreational cannabis.

The government announced in a statement that the cabinet passed a draft of a law “on the controlled use of cannabis and the amendment of other regulations” as the three-party coalition approved allowing possession of 25 grams.

Parliament must pass the measure for it to become law.

“The Cannabis Act marks a turning point in what has unfortunately been a failed cannabis drug policy. The aim is to push back the black market and drug-related crime, curb the dealing in adulterated or toxic substances and reduce consumer numbers,” German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said in a statement.

Under the bill adults can have 25 grams of marijuana for recreational use and can privately grow up to three plants or get the marijuana through cannabis clubs.

“The law ensures the long overdue decriminalization of the numerous people who only use cannabis for their own use and at the same time finally strengthens the protection of minors,” said German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir in a statement.

The marijuana bill would limit the number of members in a cannabis club to 500. Adults would be legally able to join just one club.

Since marijuana sales would still be illegal, the clubs could only grow cannabis for distribution to members. Cannabis club members could obtain up to 25 grams per day.

For people between 18 and 21 the limit would be just 30 grams per month with THC levels limited to 10%.

Consumption of cannabis would be banned within 218 yards of cultivation associations, schools, children’s and youth facilities, children’s playgrounds and publicly accessible sports facilities.

“Consumption remains prohibited for young people, for young adults it should only be possible to a limited extent,” Health Minister Lauterbach’s statement said. “This restriction is necessary because cannabis is particularly harmful to the still-growing brain.”

If the new law passes, Germany still needs the European Commission to weigh in on whether the law can be adopted.

The German cabinet first indicated it was supporting changing the recreational marijuana law in October 2022.

It would have legalized distribution through commercial outlets but the law was resisted by the European Commission.

Authored by Upi via Breitbart August 16th 2023