Grad Student Who Allegedly Killed UNC Faculty Adviser Used Handgun

grad student who allegedly killed unc faculty adviser used handgun
UNC Police, UNC-Chapel Hill Applied Physical Sciences website

The suspect who allegedly killed a University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill faculty adviser Monday has been identified as a 34-year-old graduate student who carried out the attack with a handgun.

Breitbart News noted that the murder occurred around 1:00 p.m., and police received reports of shots fired. Within hours, police had the suspect apprehended, and an “all clear,” ending the shelter-in-place alert, was issued at 4:14 p.m.

A faculty member was killed in the incident. No others were wounded or killed.

The Associated Press reported that the deceased faculty member was the alleged shooter’s faculty adviser.

The alleged shooter is charged with first-degree murder and with bringing the handgun into the UNC-Chapel Hill building.

Breitbart News pointed out that the UNC-Chapel Hill campus is a gun-free zone. The exception is that concealed carry permit holders are allowed to have a gun in their car in a parking lot as long as it is in a locked container. But guns for self-defense are prohibited in school buildings and on the UNC-Chapel Hill property beyond the parking lot.

RELATED — AWR Hawkins: “America Has a Gun-Free-Zone Problem”


AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in 2010, a speaker at the 2023 Western Conservative Summit, and he holds a Ph.D. in Military History, with a focus on the Vietnam War (brown water navy), U.S. Navy since Inception, the Civil War, and Early Modern Europe. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. You can sign up to get Down Range at Reach him directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Authored by Awr Hawkins via Breitbart August 29th 2023