Grandparent says locking students out of bathrooms is 'going too far'
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A grandparent was outraged after a school in the United Kingdom installed metal cage-like doors to bathroom entrances to prevent students from using the restroom during class.
"School is supposed to be a safe place for kids, and it is supposed to be a relaxed environment, but how it is a relaxed environment when they are locked up?" grandparent Ian Ward told Coventry Live.
Ward, whose six grandchildren attend the Foxford Community School in Longford, England, said the school installed "cage doors" on March 6 to stop kids from using the bathroom during class and without supervision. He said his grandkids were 'upset' over the change, which applies to students in years seven through 11.
'Cage doors' are said to have been installed to the restrooms at Foxford Community School in Longford, England, barring students from using the bathroom during class. (BPM Media / Ian Ward)
"Kids are only allowed to go to the toilet under supervision, which is totally wrong," Ward, 54, said. "It is taking away the freedom of being able to use the toilet as and when you need it."
A spokesperson for the school told Coventry Live: "We have recently installed metal doors to two toilet areas, these are not cages and the doors are unlocked before and after school, as well as at break and lunchtimes."
A photo Ward took shows a locked metal door blocking the restroom. The grandfather said prior to the jail-like door installments, the school had already begun locking the bathroom stall doors, but began barricading the entire restroom a few weeks ago.
"What if a child is on their period or has problems holding for a long time?" Ward asked. "I understand they have problems with kids in toilets, but to put metal doors on them is just going too far."
A grandparent said his grandchildren were "upset" to find the bathrooms had been locked up during class time earlier this month. (BPM Media )
Ward called the move "disgusting" and said there are other ways the school can monitor students during class besides barring them from accessing the restroom.
"Having somebody sit by the toilets at certain times, and if there is a problem then someone is close by," he told Coventry Live. "There is no need to lock them and say you are not using them."
Foxford Community School did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.
Teny Sahakian is an Associate Producer/Writer for Fox News. Follow Teny on Twitter at @tenysahakian.