Grid Collapse: Ecuador Hit By Nationwide Power Blackout

A nationwide power blackout hit Ecuador on Wednesday afternoon, plunging 17 million people into darkness. Authorities are working to repair a faulty transmission line that was responsible for the outage.

"The immediate report that we received from the CENACE (National Center of Energy Control) is that there is a failure in the transmission line that caused a cascade disconnection, so there is no energy service on a national scale," Public Works Minister Roberto Luque wrote on X.

Luque added, "We are concentrating all our efforts on resolving the problem as quickly as possible."

grid collapse ecuador hit by nationwide power blackout

The blackout has paralyzed a major subway system in the South American country. There are reports that hospitals in major cities are without power. This comes months after Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa declared a power emergency and ordered eight-hour nationwide rationing due to lower hydroelectricity power generation levels. 

Internet tracking website NetBlocks reports that Ecuador's national connectivity plunged to 44% shortly after the power outage. 


Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge June 19th 2024