House begins debate on $1.2T budget bill

House begins debate on $1.2T budget bill

March 22 (UPI) — The House and Senate are working to finalize the $ 1.2 trillion six-bill budget package before a Friday night deadline to keep most of the federal government running.

The House began debate on the spending bill at 9 a.m. EDT and was expected to hold a vote at 11 a.m. EDT.

Given the time crunch, the vote is being held under suspension of rules, ditching a requirement to first pass a rule that would face Republican opposition but placing a requirement of two-thirds support for the measure to pass.

Despite strong criticism from some House conservatives over its spending, House leadership said they expect the bill to pass with votes from Democrats and Republicans.

Some Democratic House progressives may vote against the bill with Republican Conservatives over a one-year hold in funding for the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees for one year over the alleged involvement of some of its workers in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

“On any bipartisan agreement you have some Democrats and some Republicans that drop off,” House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., said.

The package will keep the doors open to three-fourths of the government, including the departments of Education, Homeland Security, Defense, Labor, Health and Human Services and State.

If the House passes the package, it will go to the Senate where it will be considered over the weekend.

“This FY24 appropriations legislation is a serious commitment to strengthening our national defense by moving the Pentagon toward a focus on its core mission while expanding support for our brave men and women who serve in uniform,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said on Thursday.

The package would give a boost to funding border protections that had long been supported by Republicans. Democrats were able to score a $1 billion increase in childcare and Head Start funding.

Schumer said he would put the bill on the Senate floor,” without delay.”

“We haven’t had a government shutdown since 2019,” Schumer said. “There’s no good reason for us to have one this week.”

Authored by Upi via Breitbart March 21st 2024