If You Want Change Influence the Field

How can you be more effective in bringing about changes you are looking for?

Maybe you are not happy with the money system.  Maybe you feel the political situation no longer serves the country. 

One option is to take up the cause and campaign for change.  Write a blog, create a YouTube channel and get involved with organisations that share your point of view. 

It’s hard work and more importantly is it getting the results you want?

The alternative is to move upstream and influence events before they appear.  This means placing your focus on the field from which situations arise.

For example between 2002 and 2007 the urban murder rate in the US had been steadily increasing.  Over the next three years between 2007 and 2010 the upward trend was reversed by 1,725 meditators in Fairfield Iowa.  During this period there was a 28.4% decrease in murders in 206 urban environments.   This equates to 4,136 murders being averted.

Decline in murder rate in 206 US urban areas 2007 - 2010
Murder Rate in 206 US Cities, 2002–2010 Source:

To achieve this phenomenal result there were no community patrols.  There was no petitioning of Mayors for better law enforcement.  From an outward perspective there was no effort involved.  The men and women just sat and meditated.

The probability that the reduced trend in murder rates could simply be due to chance is 1 in 10 million million.

Researchers were able to rule out other alternative explanations. The reduction in murder rates could not be explained by such factors as unemployment and national economic conditions, changes in incarceration rates, police strategy and police technology, urban demographics, police reporting standards, or temperature changes. And for the first time in a major economic downturn since 1945, the murder and violent crime rates failed to rise during the severe recession of December 2007 to June 2009.

Instead the hypothesis is that the meditation created a positive effect in the collective field of urban men and women in the United States.


Fields are everywhere.  Every object, every behaviour is the spontaneous expression of conditions in its field. 

Scientists call the baseline from which the universe arises the Zero Point Field.

In practise fields are inseparable from consciousness.  Consciousness, or intention is what acts upon a field for things to manifest.

This consciousness does not have to be human.

For example, a R.E.G. or Random Event Generator is a machine that produces a random binary output.  In one experiment French scientist René Peoc’h imprinted a movable R.E.G. on new-born chicks so that they believed it was their mother. The robot was then placed outside the chicks’ cage so that it could move about freely based on the random signals it produced.  After a time the evidence was clear – the robot was moving toward the chicks more than it would do if it was moving randomly.  As investigative journalist Lynne McTaggart comments on page 118 of her book The Field:

The desire of the chicks to be near their mother was an ‘inferred intention’ that appeared to be having an effect in drawing the machine nearer.

So why is focusing on the field not more widely used to create the change we want?

Many are not aware that what they see before their eyes is only the end result of the manifestation process.  We are comfortable with the belief that what we see on a movie screen is the product of electro-magnetic signals.  But we may have no knowledge of the field that gives rise of the material world whether it is a tumour or US monetary policy.

Take the sun as an example.  We assume this ball of fire that nourishes all life on Earth is just that, a big ball of fire.  Scientists have gone so far as to postulate there is a fusion reaction taking place at its core. 

Nothing could be further than the truth.

The sun derives its energy in the form of charged particles flowing to it from a field that extends far beyond Pluto.  Technically called the heliosphere, this huge field was first crossed by the Voyager 1 space probe on August 25, 2012. At the time, the probe was about 122 AU, or 11 billion miles (18 billion kilometres) from the sun.

Image of heliosphere extending beyond the galaxy
The Heliosphere dwarfs the sun and is larger than the solar system.  Image credit:

So when feel the sun on our face we are experiencing only the end result of a process that involves a field that dwarfs not only the sun, but is larger than the solar system.

As the meditators in Iowa demonstrate we have the ability to create a field to bring about changes we desire.  This field is called a Mer Ka Bah which means light body.  It is called this because like the sun, the energy within the field that brings about the manifestation is also electro-magnetic.

sombrero galaxy
The Sombrero galaxy.  Image credit: https://www.peakpx.com/en/hd-wallpaper-desktop-kurvi

Shaped like the Sombrero galaxy, the Mer Ka Bah that surrounds the physical body can be activated to create desired outcomes.  Details on how to do this can be found in the videos of section three of the Troubles Away program.

Surrogate Mer Ka Bah can also be generated and placed around places or other people.  For example you can create a surrogate Mer Ka Bah around your neighbourhood and program it with a specific intention.  The same can be done for a country or the earth as a whole. 

Every two weeks Troubles Away holds a free Q&A and practise session on Zoom for those who wish to develop these skills.  No experience is required to join.

For anyone who begins working with the Mer Ka Bah they quickly realise that the ability to influence a field requires operating at higher frequencies such as love and respect for all life on earth.

Like the Institute of Science Technology and Public Policy (ISTPP), Troubles Away believes moving upstream to work with the field is not only more effective but takes a lot less effort.




Authored by Derisk via ZeroHedge June 28th 2024