‘It’s My Job’: Chicago Businessman Holds Massive Food, Gas Giveaway Before Christmas

its my job chicago businessman holds massive food gas giveaway before christmas
John J. Kim/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

A Chicago businessman is making headlines with his heartwarming generosity as he gives back to his community in the form of free food and gas to those in need.

Multi-millionaire Willie Wilson is known around Chicago as a local leader, owner of several fast food franchises, founder of a medical supply company, and producer of a nationally syndicated gospel music program. In the past, he has held multiple giveaways to uplift his city.

Wilson is expanding his gift-giving this holiday season with his plan to distribute $333,000 worth of food coupons and free gas to struggling Chicagoans on Saturday, Fox 32 reported.

The giveaway will be for both Cook and DuPage counties.

Chicago residents have already begun posting on social media about the giveaway as they line up for the free gas.

Though now a successful business mogul, Wilson had humble beginnings. 

“I’ve been so poor,” he told the local outlet. “Thirteen years in Louisiana as a sharecropper, we worked, and we didn’t get paid—we had been so poor we had to ask our neighbor for food, and the next week, we had to pay them back, and today I still consider myself poor.”

As he has during his past giveaways, Wilson will personally help pump the gas into people’s cars.

“One lady walked up to me, and she said, ‘You’re pumping my gas? I can do this; you’re giving it to me.’ I said, ‘No, ma’am; it’s my job to do this for you,'” he recalled.

In addition to the already grand gesture, Wilson plans to spend part of his Saturday at the Cook County Jail, adding money to the inmates’ books for necessities like toothpaste and underwear.

“They need some help, alright…some people in there have not committed a crime, alright…whether you’re guilty or innocent, you’re still a human being,” he said.

Wilson has scheduled another giveaway in his native state of Louisiana for later in December and plans to hold another food and gas giveaway in Chicago come 2024.

“I’m what you call a free man. When I say free, I mean free spiritually but also free financially,” Wilson said, adding, “That I don’t have to go out tomorrow and worry about anyone is going to fine me for what I say and punching a clock; that’s a good feeling…that’s a hell of a good feeling!”

Authored by Olivia Rondeau via Breitbart December 2nd 2023