It's now: the people vs. the banks

[Originally published on Alex Krainer's Substack] In my last Substack article, “The system is failing; we're on our own,” I discussed the systematic demolition of our structures of government and suggested that the façade of effective checks and balances was largely fictitious, there only to lull us into passive acquiescence to the covert rule of a hidden force behind the throne. I did not elaborate further, but it’s clear that such a force exists and that it is shaping global events.

As Carol Jones astutely wrote in her comment to an earlier article (“C0VlD l9 hoax goes to court”), “For this level of medical coup to be successful… there has to be coordinated neutering of all countries’ governing documents/constitutions. … the ability to carry out any coordination at the right time, everything being in place etc. is frankly just as possible as 1000 elephants flying by my window right now.” She also correctly pointed out that the fact of 159 countries bowing to the WHO doesn’t explain this coordination.

What's the driving force behind the agenda?

I attempted to shed some light on this question in an article I published in August 2020. The title gives it away, “Covid 19: the banking cartel is driving the agenda,” but let me elaborate with a shortened version of that article here.

For many months during 2020 and 2021, the media and “health” authorities have relentlessly promoted fear-inducing narratives about the alleged Covid 19 “pandemic,” sensationalizing the emergency nearly 24/7 while ignoring and censoring hundreds, perhaps thousands of experts who diverged from the official versions of news. Supposing that we were up against a “once-in-a-century” pandemic that nobody could have predicted (ehm..), one would expect a lively debate among experts about how best to tackle the crisis. Journalists might have sought out as many domain experts as possible so we could arrive at the clearest possible understanding of the new health challenge and how to confront it. Effective treatments should have been promoted, celebrated, screamed from the rooftops. But that’s not what happened.

Public health measures – virtually identical in most nations – were handed down from the World Health Organization through shadowy bureaucratic hierarchies that claimed a monopoly on science and truth. All discussion was discouraged while hundreds of experts were being aggressively silenced. Several effective treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were identified, but officialdom was outright hostile to any mention of them.

Doctors and patients have been strongly discouraged from using such remedies and in some nations HCQ was abruptly pulled from the market. In Australia, prescribing HCQ has even been made a criminal offence. Instead, the authorities forcefully pushed the hastily developed, untested, experimental vaccines, all for a disease which was lethal for only 0.004% of the population (even by the overinflated U.S. CDC statistics).

Officialdom’s puzzling entrenchment

Within a few months of the “pandemic,” the utter incoherence of the official positions became so obvious that they lost all credibility with much of the population. But rather than changing tack, officialdom only became more deeply entrenched in their own contradictions, turning increasingly aggressive with ever more restrictive “public health” measures as the media escalated the ‘project fear’ propaganda to nauseating proportions.


its now the people vs the banks

We insist: the edifice is sound, do not believe your lying eyes, do not do your own research!

The situation became surreal: how can seemingly intelligent, learned people remain so stubbornly attached to a narrative that was as obviously flawed? Why did the media continue for months relentlessly inciting fear and hysteria over a mild flu virus? In addition to the American and British media, I had followed the media reports in Croatia, Spain, France and Italy – it was the same thing everywhere: all Covid, all the time, with nonstop fearmongering and calls for compliance with increasingly silly “measures.” Did everyone worldwide just go insane? If it wasn’t science and logic informing the public health measures, then what was it? And then it hit me…

The curious case of the IMF loans for Belarus

Back in June 2020 I noted that Belarus’ president Alexander Lukashenko publicly snubbed a $940 million line of credit from the International Monetary Fund. He rejected it because the IMF conditioned the loan on Belarus imposing a strict Covid 19 lockdown policy and a curfew. At the time I thought it was very strange that the IMF would offer loans to a nation while at the same time setting conditions which would severely impair that nation’s ability to repay.

Apparently, a number of other nations received similar offers from the IMF and/or the World Bank, but it was only thanks to Mr. Lukashenko disclosing it publicly that we knew about the Covid 19 conditionality attached to such offers. Significantly, Lukashenko mentioned on several occasions that the IMF negotiators wanted Belarus to do “like in Italy.” Other nations and governments who accepted the money may have quietly agreed to the conditionality which they forgot to disclose to the rest of us.

As of April 2020, 85 nations had requested financial assistance from the IMF. Deeply in debt and with severely damaged economies, most governments around the world needed loans, making them prey to the dictates of money power. To secure the needed funds they may have agreed to shutting down their economies, restricting their population’s freedom of movement, created Stasi-like contact-tracing structures and closed down the schools.

We must aggressively use the testing and tracing cpacity “we’ve built”

Further evidence that the agenda is being driven by the bankers was an Op-Ed in the New York Times by Neel Kashkari, the president of Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank calling for the government to issue strict 4 to 6 week shelter-in-place orders “for everyone but the truly essential workers.” Kashkari advocated that the lockdowns should be as comprehensive and strict as possible and done aggressively, using “the testing and tracing capacity we’ve built…”

Banking cartel’s fingerprints could also be found in the document “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. On page 18, under the heading “Lock Step,” the document presciently describes our current reality as “A world of top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” The scenario envisions a “pandemic the world had been anticipating for years…” And then we did have that “pandemic,” as well as “the world of top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership.”

Napoleon Bonaparte understood all too well that, “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation.” In each nation, we seem to be opposed by some government bureaucracy. But while those bureaucracies and the officials who work there are becoming the targets of public resentment, it is critical that we recognize the puppeteers behind the agenda that’s playing out.

There can be little doubt that the enemy is the international banking cartel headquartered in the City of London and on Wall Street, together with their agencies like the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, World Bank, the global systemically important banks and institutions like the World Economic Forum, big pharma corporations, World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI and numerous others.

As Lord Acton warned over a century ago, “the issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks” This fight is now upon us. It might be the ultimate struggle for humanity’s emancipation or our final enslavement. To prevail, we must understand our true enemies and the financial, economic, political and social structures that are enabling their agenda.

Planning wars and more wars

The Rockefeller Foundation document further revealed that they have clearly anticipated our pushback and have surely planned diversions to misdirect our grievances toward the visible enablers of their top-down authoritarian rule. One of the greatest means of diversion are wars [sadly, that prediction came true in the meantime]. We must therefore guard against believing that our enemies are the Russians, the Chinese or whomever the logic of divide-and-rule would pit us against .

When our governments tell us that we face a grave threat from another nation, send troops to its borders or warships near its shores, we must demand they stand down. We must also guard against demonization of other nations and their leaders because they frequently lead to military escalation (think Saddam HusseinMoammar GhaddafiBashar al Assad…). Ron Paul warned us that, “It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.” I explained the systemic roots of west’s war lust in this article: “Deflationary Gap and the West’s War Addiction.”

In short, we must not be distracted by the bullfighter’s red cloth: the ultimate culprits, the super-predator class are the bankers: a handful of families and individuals who control and manage the present monetary system. We’ve no choice but to confront them. Today we are armed with truth and information that past generations could not have dreamt of. Today, we can make the difference and gift our children and their children a world of prosperity and liberty beyond anything what we can imagine at present. That struggle is worth every effort.

A random aside

Today I learned from a reliable source that Tucker’s in Moscow today (3 Feb. 2024) with his crew. We might get that interview with President Putin after all - and a host of interesting reports from Russia!


Alex Krainer – @NakedHedgie is the creator of I-System Trend Following and publisher of daily TrendCompass investor reports which cover over 200 financial and commodities markets. One-month test drive is always free of charge, no jumping through hoops to cancel. To start your trial subscription, drop us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Authored by Akrainer via ZeroHedge February 4th 2024