‘Don’t faint,’ Carville quickly added, saying, ‘I'm not talking about actually slitting a political opponent's throat’
James Carville warns media if Trump wins 'he's gonna arrest all of ya'
Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville derided political commentators for obsessing about polls in an election he claimed could end with journalists being arrested by a Trump administration.
Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville warned that Democrats must play to win in November's election, even if that means using unfair tactics.
Carville spoke to Charlie Stone of "The Unknown" podcast about the current state of the election between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump. "I'm really not interested in being very fair about the whole god---n thing. OK? I really don't think we should have fought fair against the Germans and the Japanese," he said. "I think we should have like snuck around them. And I think we should have, you know, gone behind the enemy lines and cut their god---n throats because that was what was at stake. I think we're literally approaching the same place right now."
He then backpedaled, clarifying this was a metaphor and not a call for violence.
"I'm not talking about – everybody, stop, don't faint! I'm not talking about actually slitting a political opponent's throat," he said.
Political commentator James Carville ahead of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois, US, on Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024. Photographer: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg via Getty Images (Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Recently, Carville has argued that much of the media is foolishly fixated on polling while Trump makes off-the-cuff strongman boasts about his future presidency. Carville specifically claimed that Trump would arrest journalists and his critics, including himself.
Referencing Matt Tiernauer and Jon Macks, filmmakers behind a new documentary about Carville, he exclaimed, "Let's take [Trump] at his word, because he's going to arrest people like Matt and Jon and me. He's already told you that."
"He said, ‘I'm going to use the military to round up liberals and they're more dangerous than Putin or Xi or [the leader of North Korea]’ He's already told you that," Carville said. "Take him at his word. He's going to pull for Russia. He is going to pull us out of NATO. Take him at his word."
Carville continued to deride how "people say, ‘well, maybe he won't do that,’" but warned, "No, he will do that. He's doing it right in front of your face. And you know what he's going to say if he gets elected? ‘I told all of you, I was going to do that. And you voted for me anyway.’"
He then said that his "great fear" is that ultimately people will vote for Trump while being unaware of his controversial boasts, and referencing history to argue unfair tactics may be necessary to stop him.
The race continues to be close between Trump and Harris. (Getty Images)
Alexander Hall is an associate editor for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to