Japan reports more than 1,300 harassment cases in its military

Aug. 18 (UPI) — A special inspection report released on Friday said there were 1,325 harassment reports in the Japanese Defense Ministry and Self-Defense Forces but nearly 65% of the victims did not seek help.

The Defense Ministry said the harassment survey was conducted in the ministry and all organizations after the sexual harassment complaint by former Japan Ground Self-Defense servicewoman Rina Gonoi.

In many cases, the survey found that victims who did seek help from counselors had received problematic responses. It said that eight senior officials and others that the investigation found engaged in harassment so far have been punished, including 12-month suspensions.

The survey revealed that many victims felt hopelessness in receiving a positive outcome from their complaint. Some of the repeated comments made by victims were that “no improvement can be expected even if I talk to them,” “I don’t know who to talk to,” and “the atmosphere and environment are not conducive to seeking counseling.”

Other victims said that felt they would be retaliated against by the perpetrators or “whistle-blower hunters.”

The investigation and survey started in September 2022 and were accompanied by recommendations from a panel of experts. Those recommendations called for increased training and education for officials in management positions, who are at higher risk of carrying out harassment.

They also called on the Defense Ministry to assure official sand SDF members that they will suffer no disadvantage if they come forward with their complaints.

Authored by Upi via Breitbart August 17th 2023