Jeff Sessions: Orlando Attacker’s Father ‘Clearly An Extremist,’ ‘Taliban Member,’ ‘Wouldn’t Have Been Admitted’ Under Proper Vetting

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who is the Chair of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s National Security Advisory Committee, stated that the father of the perpetrator of the terrorist attack on Orlando, Florida’s Pulse nightclub was “clearly an extremist, a Taliban member” on Monday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel.

Sessions said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:00] “[H]is father was clearly an extremist, a Taliban member, and, properly done, he wouldn’t have been admitted, I think. So, we can protect the United States in many ways by a much more aggressive enforcement.”

(h/t Washington Examiner)

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Ian Hanchett

Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart June 14th 2016