'Democrats must not want America to be great,' Watters argues
Jesse Watters: Democrats will say anything in an election year
Jesse Watters discusses how the American people need to have protected borders on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’
Jesse Watters argues the Biden administration is failing at protecting American citizens from a border invasion Friday on "Jesse Watters Primetime."
JESSE WATTERS: Every great nation has had this in common: great walls. The Athenians had the most beautiful metropolis in the world. It was an open target to foreign navies, though since Athens was perched on the coast, it was a wall that made the city impenetrable during their war with Sparta.
The Byzantines fortified their city with walls that towered over 40ft tall. For over a millennium, it prevented enemy armies from penetrating the most famous wall, the Great Wall of China. For decades, American politicians have traveled to China and marveled at its 13,000-mile-long barrier.
Aug 4, 2023: Sen. Tim Scott visits the border wall in Yuma, Arizona. (Tim Scott for President)
Since America's founding, both parties have protected our border. It is common sense. Everyone inside of America, Republican or Democrat, requires protection.
Since Democrats believe no great nations control their borders, they must not want America to be great. They're literally running against a man whose motto is Make America Great Again. So, in opposition, 8 million illegals pour into the country in just three years.
Ellis Island processed 12 million immigrants in 60 years. That's 200,000 a year. Biden is importing 300,000 a month. If Biden gets re-elected, his presidency will have opened the doors to more foreigners than Ellis Island.
This article was written by Fox News staff.