
John Paulson: "We'll see a crash" under Harris tax plans

John Paulson: "We'll see a crash" under Harris tax plans

Intro and Quotes

On Harris’ Tax plan:

  • Paulson: I think if they implement those policies, we'll see a crash in the markets.
  • Sara Eisen  A crash…
  • Paulson: Yes, of course.

Comment:This was tried in the 1970s. Capitalism shrugged, pulled  money out of stocks, put it in cash and Gold, and stagflation ensued.

On Gold:

"I think the major reason why gold is rising is generally a global lack of—or having less confidence in paper currencies, particularly among central banks."

Comment: He started saying this in earnest 2021 before the BRICS plan was obvious to most

On a Harris Portfolio:

"I would move more to cash if Harris was elected, and I'd stay invested in gold."

Comment: He’d likely add to gold if she won.


The Interview


Continues (transcribed)  here

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via September 15th 2024