Jury to hear closing arguments in E. Jean Carroll defamation suit against Donald Trump

Jury to hear closing arguments in E. Jean Carroll defamation suit against Donald Trump

Jan. 26 (UPI) — The jury in former President Donald Trump’s second federal civil defamation suit by writer E. Jean Carroll will hear closing arguments Friday after the real estate mogul gave brief testimony in his defense the day before.

The jury will determine how much Trump should pay Carroll for lashing out against her following an earlier jury finding that Trump was liable for the assault. He has repeatedly called Carroll’s sexual abuse allegations false and described her in unflattering language.

After closing arguments, the case is expected to go to the jury Friday afternoon, which could return its verdict before the weekend begins.

Despite U.S. District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan ordering Trump to limit his comments alleged defamation comments in question, Trump went on to address Carroll’s original sexual abuse allegations.

Carroll will be asking for $10 million in compensatory damages from Trump for the comments made June 19, 20 and 21 while Trump was president, along with damages for emotional harm and punitive damages.

Trump, for his part, continued to deny ever meeting Carroll much less assaulting her. He said that he stood by the statements on which he is being challenged.

“I never met the woman,” Trump said Thursday without the jury present, according to ABC News. “I do not know who this woman is. I was not at the trial. I don’t know who this woman is.”

In comments that were later ordered stricken by Kaplan, Trump said he has the right to push back against the allegations.

“I just wanted to defend myself, my family and frankly, the presidency,” Trump said in his testimony.

Authored by Upi via Breitbart January 25th 2024