‘Killing is a Good Thing’: Callous Migrant Killed Berlin Taxi Driver For €10

killing is a good thing callous migrant killed berlin taxi driver for eur10
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A Tunisian migrant has confessed to killing a taxi driver, saying he was “too proud” to simply ask for money or food when he was in need, in an attack that allegedly took place just two days after he was said to have murdered his girlfriend with the same knife.

A German court has heard how a Tunisian migrant has confessed to killing a taxi driver just hours after arriving in the country, having fled from Belgium for the alleged murder of his girlfriend. He is reported to have told police officers when asked why he didn’t just ask for money when he was hungry that “I’m too proud to ask for money” and that he believed “killing is a good thing”.

It is reported by Germany’s Die Welt that on April 6th of this year, a taxi driver was found stabbed in a quiet Berlin-area street, and that passers-by attempted to render first aid, but the driver died. A suspect was arrested the same day and confessed to officers several times during interrogation.

City newspaper the Berliner Zeitung reports there were audible gasps in court when the interrogation tape was played, as the self-confessed killer told officers “killing is a good thing”.

It is stated the 24-year-old came to Europe on a boat from Tunisia to Italy as a child in 2011, and after traveling through France became a legally recognised refugee in Belgium. Despite having lived there for several years it is recorded the man never achieved a profession and lived off Belgian government payments, as well as dealing cocaine on the side.

It was from this country that he fled April, having allegedly murdered his girlfriend in an act of “jealousy” two days before. He told officers he was trying to escape to Norway but upon having to change trains in Berlin found that he was hungry, and had no money. He told police in the recording, BZ reports: “When I got out, I was hungry… I wanted to take someone’s money, kill him… If you want something, you have to kill.”

The Tunisian refugee hailed a taxi and asked to be driven to a remote location he’d already found on a map for the purpose of the killing. Once they were alone, he is said to have stabbed the driver in the neck and ransacked the vehicle for money, but found just ten euros ($10). This was spent on a serving of chips (fries), a cup of coffee, and a fruit juice drink, the court heard.

It is claimed he used the same knife for both killings. The man has been detained in psychiatric care and the case is ongoing.

Authored by Oliver Jj Lane via Breitbart August 30th 2023