
Kim Dotcom Alleges He Was Suspended From X For Exposing Hunter Biden As A Pedophile

blueapples on X

Few personalities influence the cultural zeitgeist of X like Kimdotcom. Since the online entrepreneur launched Megavideo, he has become an icon of dissident media. The status that he has solidified as such over the years has thrust him into the upper echelon of users on X. Since Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter in 2022, Kim Dotcom has become one of his unwavering allies in the purported crusade for free speech that the takeover of the platform represents. The unspoken though unquestionable alliance between the two makes Kim Dotcom's recent suspension from X a troubling development which raises doubt about Musk and his commitment to not just free speech, but using X as a platform for decentralized journalism as a means of defying the hegemony of the current media and political establishment.

Kim Dotcom's ubiquity across X makes his presence felt to users of the platform whether they are part of the alternative media landscape or are just a casual user. With over 1.7 million followers, his commentary and analysis on political issues is usually thrust to the forefront of users' feeds. So, for Kimdotcom to go weeks without posting is far beyond unusual. Consequently but certainly not surprisingly, the reason behind his weeks-long silence on X is rooted in a controversy. What is surprising is that the explanation that Kim Dotcom has offered implicates X in the very censorship it has declared itself to stand against. In an article published on his personal Substack, Kim Dotcom claims that he has been suspended from X for a post that has exposed Hunter Biden as a pedophile.

According to Kim Dotcom, his X account was suspended on September 13th after a reply he posted to the official account of President Joe Biden celebrating the passage of the Violence Against Women Act. The reply was meant to chastise Biden for posturing himself as an advocate for women by highlighting the sexual proclivities of his son Hunter. Kim Dotcom included a screenshot from Bidenreport.com showing Hunter Biden engaged in violent sex in which he was strangling a woman as a means of highlighting President Biden's hypocrisy on the issue of violence against women.

In September 2023, the creators of Bidenreport.com were sued by Hunter Biden for publishing the contents of his laptop on their website. Among the parties sued by Biden was Garrett Ziegler, a former aide in the Trump administration to White House trade adviser Peter Navarro. Ziegler and others published contents from Hunter Biden's infamous 'laptop from hell' under the investigative journalism collective Marco Polo. In June, Ziegler's motion to dismiss the case Biden brought against him was denied. Just days before Kim Dotcom was suspended from X. Hunter Biden was awarded $18,000 in legal costs when a judge ruled that Ziegler's defense under California's Anti-Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation law was frivolous.

After posting the photo, Kim Dotcom received a notification that his post had been deleted for violating the child sexual exploitation policy of X's terms and conditions and his account had subsequently suspended. Given that contents from Bidenreport.com have existed on the public domain and have even been cited by congressional committees, the declaration that the content he included from it constituted child sexual exploitation material opened an entirely different Pandora's box. Kim Dotcom inferred that the person Hunter Biden was choking in the photos was a child that he was abusing, logic that he outlined in the appeal he filed with X against his suspension, writing:

"X has suspended my account for posting a photo from Bidenreport.com (Hunter Biden laptop) which shows Hunter Biden strangling a woman during sex. It was a quote responding to a post by Joe Biden celebrating his ‘Violence Against Women Act’.

X suspended my account under the ‘Child sexual exploitation policy’ which means X believes that the photo I posted is that of an underaged girl?

But if this photo isn’t of an underaged girl my X post can’t be in breach of your ‘Child sexual exploitation policy’. Is X seriously suggesting that Hunter Biden had brutal sex with a child? That would be a huge story.

If that’s the case I would like to receive evidence of ‘child exploitation’. X is asking me to delete my post and ‘acknowledge that I violated the X rules’. I cannot do that unless X can provide evidence that this is in fact a photo of an underaged girl having sex w"ith Hunter Biden. If not then my post is not in breach of X rules.

For your information bidenreport.com and the photo I posted are in the public domain and have been used as evidence by the Congressional Committee investigating Joe and Hunter Biden for numerous crimes. To the best of my knowledge Child sexual exploitation wasn’t one of them.

Please reinstate my account."

After submitting his appeal to X, Kim Dotcom emailed Elon Musk directly to address the suspension of his account. However, Musk did not respond to Kim Dotcom's emails about his account's suspension. Kim Dotcom's account has been suspended for weeks since he indicated he emailed Musk to resolve the suspension and to discuss the incendiary implications of the subject matter behind his ban.

Given Kim Dotcom's own monumental footprint in online media, he is familiar with how websites approach any content containing child sexual exploitation. Drawing upon that experience, Kim Dotcom put forward 2 distinct possibilities; that an active investigation is open against Hunter Biden for child sex abuse or that the White House directly intervened to have X pull the content from the platform and then to implement the suspension.

Perhaps skewed by his personal affinity for Musk, Kim Dotcom dismissed the idea that he would capitulate to the Biden administration making any such demand. Kim Dotcom based that conclusion on his belief that Musk is a "free speech absolutist" according to him. However, that belief is rife with contradiction despite the cult of personality Musk has cultivated as the vanguard of the fight for free speech. Since the onset of Israel's war on Gaza, Musk has taken measures to censor vocal criticism against Israel. This included Musk opining that accounts tweeting mottos like "From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free" and rhetoric painting Israel as colonizes violated X's policy's on racism and discrimination.

Kim Dotcom even intervened in early July when Musk was set to entrust an Israeli cyber security company with links to the Mossad and Shin Bet with deploying X's new digital identification verification tool for monetized content creators. Grassroots opposition to entrusting AU10TIX with that sensitive user information was amplified by Kim Dotcom by formally petitioning Musk to remove the company from the new policy. Musk apparently heeded these calls as Stripe became entrusted with digital identification verification for US-based creators monetized on X. However, creators elsewhere in the world asserted that they were still consenting to giving their data to AU10TIX to enroll in the website's monetization program.

Despite the high profile controversy surrounding X and its relationship to the Israeli intelligence sphere, Kim Dotcom's trust in Elon Musk remained intact. His continued loyalty was demonstrated by the conclusion that he reached that Musk's lack of a response to his email confirmed his assumption that a federal investigation against Hunter Biden for child sex abuse is open and thus Musk is legally restricted from commenting on it. Kim Dotcom cited his familiarity with dealing with reports of child sexual exploitation content online as being entrusted to the highest ranks of websites' abuse teams as logical that Musk had familiarity with his suspension but was simply unable to address it for the time being.

As he languishes in digital Tartarus without access to the platform, the unanswered questions about the reasons behind Kim Dotcom's suspension envelope the platform in a noxious atmosphere. The suspension raises 2 concurrent questions: is Hunter Biden subject to an open federal investigation for child sex abuse or is Elon Musk shielding him from being exposed for those perverse crimes? Though each of those conditions are mutually exclusive, the lack of clarity on either raises doubts about the extent to which X is operating in a manner that allows users to defy the existing media and political paradigm that Musk has openly stated is the enemy of humanity. Until Kim Dotcom is reinstated on the platform, users will be left with more questions than answers.

via October 6th 2024