Landrieu: ‘I Want To Thank Mr. Trump for Coming to Louisiana,’ ‘I Hope’ Clinton and Obama Will Visit

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Wolf,” former Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA), who is supporting Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, praised Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for coming to Louisiana during the floods there and “I hope Secretary Clinton will make her way down, I hope President Obama will make a visit.”

Landrieu was asked, “Does a visit by Donald Trump, is that helpful to raising awareness and money?”

She responded, “I think it is. And I want to thank Mr. Trump for coming to Louisiana. I think the governor’s admonition about not using it as a press op is a good one, but he brought attention to our state, and we need that now, because, this disaster, Brianna, is far larger than people can appreciate on television. And if you could see it from a drone’s prospective, and look down all of south Louisiana, this is not just a Baton Rouge area event. Livingston Parish, Ascension Parish, to the south central part of our state, and southwest, all the way over to Calcasieu. This was a horrible rain event, and as you know, Louisiana drains about 40% of the entire United States. So, even when the rain doesn’t sit over us like this did, even when it rains in Minnesota or Arkansas, we get the water. That’s one thing I want people to understand, it’s both a blessing and a burden to have too much water, and we have too much of it now, and it is really a serious disaster, and I hope Secretary Clinton will make her way down, I hope President Obama will make a visit. And we need all the attention and help we can get.”

Landrieu pointed out that DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson has been on the ground in Louisiana and expressed confidence that the president’s “number one team has been there from the beginning, and I hope he will get there as soon as he can.” She further stated there are legitimate concerns about whether a presidential visit would disrupt aid efforts in the area.

She also stated that she hopes Trump stays longer and visits other areas impacted by flooding, leaves a contribution, and tells the country what he would do as president. She further expressed hope that both Trump and Clinton would discuss the issue of flood insurance.

(h/t GOP War Room)

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart August 19th 2016