LGBTQ+++™ Propaganda Roundup: Rogue AI Gets Transphobic

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

Nip/tucking the latest corporate LGBTQ propaganda fisted from on high upon the American public.

Nearly 1/3 of Zoomers successfully gender-queered, per survey

The painstaking efforts of public school teachers’ unions and the pharmaceutical industry to turn children into eunuchs are have borne fruit.

Via NBC News:

More than 1 in 4 Gen Z adults in the U.S. identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer, dwarfing the percentages of LGBTQ Americans in older age groups, a new survey has found.

Twenty-eight percent of Gen Z adults — which the survey’s researchers specify as those ages 18 to 25 — identify as LGBTQ, according to a report released this week by the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI. That compares with 10% of all adults, 16% of millennials, 7% of Generation X, 4% of baby boomers and 4% of the Silent Generation, the institute found…

The findings are in line with those of other major surveys, including Gallup’s, that show Gen Z is the queerest adult generation to date. In its most recent poll, released in February of last year, Gallup found 7.2% of adults in the U.S. identify as LGBTQ, including nearly 20% of those in Gen Z, which that survey defined as those ages 19 to 26.“

RelatedAssociation of American Physicians and Surgeons Condemns 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children

AI gets based, soon to be re-educated

The intersectional shrews are sure to henpeck whatever engineers are responsible for this hate crime until they fix it, but for now AI taught to analyze MRIs has come to the reality-based conclusion that male and female brains are different — a conclusion which, if drawn by a human researcher, would be met with rapid intervention by human resources.

Via New Scientist:

Are men’s and women’s brains all that different? A new way of investigating this question has concluded that they are – but it takes artificial intelligence (AI) to distinguish between them.

The question of whether we can measure differences between men’s and women’s brains has long been contentious, with previous research coming up with contradictory results.

To tackle the question in a different way, Menon’s team used a relatively new method called dynamic functional connectivity fMRI. This involves recording people’s brain activity while they lie in a functional MRI scanner and tracking changes in how different regions’ activity varies in sync with one another.

The researchers designed an AI to analyse such brain scanning data, which they trained on the results from about 1000 young adults from an existing US database called the Human Connectome Project, telling the AI which individuals were men and which were women. In this analysis, the brain was divided into 246 different areas.

After this training process, the AI was about 90 per cent accurate at distinguishing between a second set of brain scanning data from the same 1000 men and women.”

However, even if the above results were allowed to stand, the ideologues would just come up with — and, in fact, have already come up with — an explanation that fingers not biology but rather the Patriarchy™.

Via University of Oxford Department of Psychiatry:

“In the first study of its kind, scientists looked at more than 7,800 MRI scans from people in 29 different countries. In countries where there was greater gender inequality, the cortical thickness of the right hemisphere of women’s brains was thinner than men’s. In more gender equal countries there was no significant difference.

The areas of the brain affected were those particularly associated with stress and emotions.

Lead author Dr Nicolas Crossley, Visiting Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford and Associate Professor in the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Chile, said:

Our analysis suggests some sex differences in brain structure are associated with the adverse social environment under which many women live.’”

HORRIFIC chestfeeding propaganda

If, like me, you are gifted/cursed (depending on context) with an active imagination, in which words are easily translated into vivid imagery — especially if you’ve eaten recently — you might want to hold off on this story.

You’ve been warned.

Via The Telegraph:

“An NHS trust has said that breast milk produced by trans women who were assigned male at birth is as good for babies as that produced by a mother who has given birth.

In a letter to campaigners, the University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (USHT), said that the milk produced by trans women after taking a combination of drugs is ‘comparable to that produced following the birth of a baby’.

The hospital trust, which runs Royal Sussex County Hospital, Worthing Hospital and Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital among others, was also the first in Britain to use the term ‘chestfeeding’ in place of breastfeeding because it is considered by some to be more inclusive.”

Per the governing authorities, breastfeeding is actually a well-documented practice of domestic terrorists — unless the administrator of the act is a transgender, in which case it’s an inclusive, diverse practice to be applauded.

RelatedTechno-Hell: ‘Natural’ Breastfeeding Condemned as ‘Ethically Problematic’

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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Authored by Tdb via ZeroHedge February 23rd 2024