'Libs of TikTok' creator appointed to Oklahoma library advisory committee

'We will get porn out of schools,' Libs of TikTok founder Chaya Raichik said after the appointment

'Libs of TikTok' creator Chaya Raichik blasts far left over pornographic book: 'Our children are under attack'

'Libs of TikTok' creator Chaya Raichik blasts pornographic books in education, including an incident involving a Maine sixth grader who took a sexually explicit book home to his father.

The creator of social media account Libs of TikTok was appointed to a position in the Oklahoma State Department of Education on Tuesday. 

Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters announced that Chaya Raichik was appointed to the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s (OSDE) Library Media Advisory Committee (LMAC).

Walters posted a press statement on his X account, adding that he appointed Raichik because she was on "the front lines showing the world exactly what the radical left is all about – lowering standards, porn in schools, and pushing woke indoctrination on kids."

Walters sent Fox News Digital a statement about the appointment.

"Chaya Raichik and I have developed a strong working relationship to rid schools of liberal, woke indoctrinators, union smut peddlers, and Epstein Island advocates. Oklahoma is ground zero to take back our schools from the radical leftists.  I am proud to have her as a fierce defender of conservative values," he said.

Chaya Raichik Libs of TikTok

Chaya Raichik, creator of the TikTok account LibsOfTiktok, speaks during a news conference outside the US Capitol in Washington, DC, US, on Thursday, March 23, 2023.  (Photographer: Anna Rose Layden/Bloomberg via Getty Images)


Walters' office explained to Fox News Digital that the LMAC is a "volunteer advisory board" hand-picked by the superintendent himself. It consists of parents, librarians, and English literature teachers.

The committee was established to guide the Oklahoma State Board of Education in their curation of books and materials within K-12 schools and is "aimed at removing pornographic or sexualized content from public schools in the State of Oklahoma."

Raichik is the woman behind the "Libs of TikTok" social media account, which gained popularity for exposing controversial elements in the education system, such as sexually explicit material in books. 

"Libs of TikTok" often reposts TikTok videos of left-wing users espousing their thoughts on cultural and racial issues.

"We will get porn out of schools," Raichik said in reaction to the announcement.

Raichik formerly worked as a real estate agent in Brooklyn. She launched @LibsofTikTok on X, formerly known as Twitter, in 2021. 

"Libs of TikTok" has garnered over 2.8 million followers since its creation.


Books in library

The book ban issue has been prevalent in red states such as Texas, Florida, Missouri, Utah, and South Carolina, where local school boards took up the issue. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Walters' decision came after he called for eliminating "woke" library standards from Oklahoma schools, guidelines developed by the American Library Association. 

The Oklahoma State Board of Education voted in March last year to require schools to notify parents about their child's gender identity or pronouns and to ban "pornographic material" and "sexualized content" from school libraries. 

Both policies were proposed by Walters.

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters called for eliminating "woke" library standards from Oklahoma schools, guidelines developed by the American Library Association. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File)

The appointment of Raichik was met with push back from some lawmakers, with one questioning Raichik's qualifications. 

Democratic state Rep. Mickey Dollens questioned Walters' decision to appoint someone who he claimed lacked an educational background to the advisory committee.

"Why did Superintendent Walters appoint a social media influencer to the state’s Library Media Advisory Committee? What are her qualifications? Is she a librarian? No. Education background? No. Does she even live in Oklahoma?" Dollens said. "No. Is she a right-wing extremist social media influencer responsible for perpetuating repeated bomb threats on Oklahoma public schools? Yes. We cannot overlook why Superintendent Walters made this controversial appointment," he said.

Joshua Q. Nelson is a reporter for Fox News Digital.

Joshua focuses on politics, education policy ranging from the local to the federal level, and the parental uprising in education.

Joining Fox News Digital in 2019, he previously graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in Political Science and is an alum of the National Journalism Center and the Heritage Foundation's Young Leaders Program. 

Story tips can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Joshua can be followed on Twitter and LinkedIn

Authored by Joshua Nelson via FoxNews January 23rd 2024