License plate number earns Maryland woman a $50,000 lottery prize

Sept. 13 (UPI) — A Maryland woman who ended up with a license plate number she didn’t like used those same digits to play the lottery and won $50,000.

The 50-year-old Baltimore woman told Maryland Lottery officials she got a license plate a few years ago with the number 91104, and she attempted to change it, but ultimately decided it was less hassle to just keep it.

The woman said the number then seemed to follow her.

“It kept appearing everywhere,” she said. “I saw it on paperwork at my job, on other car tags, on TV, everywhere.”

The player decided to see if the number was lucky and used it to buy a ticket for the Sunday evening Pick 5 lottery drawing from Jack’s Fine Food on Kenwood Avenue in Baltimore.

The woman’s husband checked the numbers after the drawing and told her she had won $50,000.

“I just started crying,” the winner recalled. “I really never thought it would actually come out.”

The woman’s husband was equally elated.

“It could not have come at a better time,” he said.

The couple said the winnings will go toward paying off bills and boosting their savings.

Authored by Upi via Breitbart September 13th 2023