Lottery novice wins $500,000 from his first-ever ticket

Lottery novice wins $500,000 from his first-ever ticket

Feb. 15 (UPI) — A Michigan man won a $500,000 prize from the first lottery ticket he ever purchased.

The Livingston County man told Michigan Lottery officials he was a complete lottery novice when he bought his Wild Side scratch-off ticket from the Fast Lane Convenience store on State Street in Saginaw.

“I had never played the lottery before, but I’ve seen my mom purchase tickets now and again, so I decided to buy one while I was at the store,” the man said. “I didn’t know how to play the game, so I took the ticket home and had my parents walk me through it. When we revealed the $500,000 prize, we didn’t think it was real.”

The man said his parents accompanied him to the lottery office in Saginaw.

“When they confirmed it really was a $500,000 winner, we were in disbelief. I knew right then that this money was about to change my life. What makes it even more exciting is that today is my 21st birthday,” the winner said.

The winner said some of his prize money will go toward paying tuition and studying abroad.

Authored by Upi via Breitbart February 15th 2024