Magnesium Deficiency Linked To Metabolic Syndrome – Here's How To Boost Intake

magnesium deficiency linked to metabolic syndrome heres how to boost intake
(Sergey Neanderthalec/Shutterstock)

In our pursuit of optimal health, an often-overlooked mineral has quietly emerged as a potential game-changer: magnesium.

More than half of the American population—with some estimates suggesting a staggering 75 percent—are failing to meet the recommended dietary intake of this vital nutrient, possibly hurting their metabolic health.

The Myriad Roles of Magnesium in the Body

Magnesium is essential for optimal bodily function, acting as a cofactor in numerous enzymatic reactions. It regulates cardiovascular physiology, stress responses, inflammation, and hypertension and enhances glycemic control when combined with vitamin D, making it crucial for metabolic health. Magnesium deficiency is prevalent among obese individuals.

Common symptoms of magnesium depletion include muscle cramps, headaches, eye twitches, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, and a sensation of a “lump” in the throat, Dr. Nathali Morrow-van Eck, a functional-integrative general medical practitioner in Pretoria, South Africa, told The Epoch Times. These symptoms stem from magnesium’s role in supporting the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) brain system, essential for relaxation and stress reduction.

Magnesium also activates the COMT gene, a protein-coding gene that helps with anxiety management and hormone metabolite detoxification (the body’s process of eliminating byproducts).

With magnesium involved in over 300 bodily functions, deficiency signs often manifest subtly, initially affecting energy production processes, Katrina Farrell, a registered nutritional therapist, told The Epoch Times.

The Magnesium–Metabolic Syndrome Connection

A 2024 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism examined the link between magnesium depletion and metabolic syndrome. The analysis of 15,565 participants revealed that the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome increased by almost one-third for every incremental rise in the magnesium depletion score.

This correlation persisted across diverse populations, regardless of behavioral or sociodemographic factors, suggesting that addressing magnesium deficiency could be a preventive measure against metabolic syndrome, whether through dietary modifications or supplementation.

Magnesium plays a crucial role in various aspects of digestive health. It helps with producing digestive enzymes, nutrient absorption, and peristalsis, the wave-like motion that propels food through the digestive tract. Insufficient magnesium can lead to constipation and bloating.

Continuously low magnesium levels affect insulin function, rendering it less effective and impeding metabolism. As a result, magnesium deficiency can contribute to weight-management challenges, Type 2 diabetes, and prediabetes, according to Ms. Farrell.

Experimental magnesium deficiency in rats has been linked to inflammation, hypertriglyceridemia (high levels of triglycerides in the blood), and changes in lipoprotein metabolism, according to a scientific review published in Magnesium Research. Magnesium’s impact on intracellular calcium homeostasis may be a unifying factor connecting stress and inflammation and may be behind their potential contribution to metabolic syndrome.

Magnesium is vital for insulin and glucose metabolism because it facilitates insulin receptor function, acting as a cofactor for enzymes involved in glucose breakdown and oxidation and regulating insulin secretion. Low magnesium levels can lead to insulin resistance and impaired glucose uptake by cells, thereby disrupting overall metabolism and increasing the risk of metabolic disorders like Type 2 diabetes.

Why Are We Not Getting Enough Magnesium?

Magnesium depletion has become increasingly prevalent, attributed to various factors in modern lifestyles, Ms. Farrell said.

Contemporary farming methods have led to declining magnesium levels in our food supply. Additionally, processed foods, ubiquitous in today’s diets, often lack sufficient magnesium content. Alcohol and certain medications, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), usually prescribed for chronic acid reflux, can deplete magnesium reserves.

Excessive caffeine consumption can also deplete magnesium levels.

Stress is another major culprit behind magnesium depletion, Ms. Farrell added. During periods of stress, the body releases magnesium as part of the stress response. Consequently, whether acute or chronic, stress can rapidly deplete magnesium levels.

Research published in The Clinical Biochemist Reviews suggests that serum magnesium levels fluctuate with different types of exercise. Levels tend to increase after brief, maximal exercise but decrease following endurance exercise.

How to Increase Magnesium Intake

Diet is crucial for obtaining sufficient magnesium, Ms. Farrell said.

Grain refining and food processing diminish magnesium content, leading to up to an 85 percent reduction. Boiling magnesium-rich foods also results in significant magnesium loss. Opting for raw, whole foods provides a natural and potent source of the mineral.

Ms. Farrell advocates a “food-first” approach, emphasizing nuts, seeds, and leafy greens in daily meals to boost magnesium intake. She also recommends Epsom salt baths, magnesium body lotions for relaxation and rejuvenation, and exploring magnesium supplements tailored to people’s needs.

Dr. Morrow-van Eck recommends both oral and transdermal magnesium products. A person’s absorption of dietary magnesium from the gut can range from 24 percent to 76 percent. The absorption rate primarily depends on the individual’s magnesium status rather than their intake. When the body’s magnesium level is lower, a higher percentage of dietary magnesium is absorbed.

For oral supplementation, she prioritizes optimal doses of the most bioavailable forms, such as magnesium threonate, glycinate, and citrate. For targeted relief, she suggests applying transdermal magnesium chloride and massaging it into areas of concern for optimal absorption.

The Limitations in Assessing Magnesium Levels

Optimal health outcomes often result from a balanced and varied diet that provides a spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, Ms. Farrell said. She noted that the effects of nutrients are often enhanced or modulated by the presence of other nutrients rather than their operating independently.

An example is the relationship between vitamin D and magnesium. While vitamin D relies on magnesium for transportation and activation, magnesium plays a pivotal role in various bodily functions, including gut health, immune function, and skin health. Low magnesium levels can hinder vitamin D’s effectiveness even if one has sufficient vitamin D levels.

Regarding magnesium assessment, Ms. Farrell advises against relying solely on blood tests, as magnesium is primarily stored in organs and bones, not in the bloodstream. Blood tests, therefore, do not provide a complete picture. She suggests that considering symptoms, habitual alcohol consumption, or high levels of stress might better indicate whether more magnesium is needed.

Possible Side Effects

While magnesium from dietary sources poses no significant risks, excessive magnesium intake through dietary supplements may lead to adverse effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramping, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Diarrhea is commonly associated with magnesium chloride, gluconate, carbonate, and oxide. People with impaired renal function or kidney failure are particularly susceptible to magnesium toxicity, which typically occurs when serum concentrations surpass 31.35 to 47.02 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), or 1.74 to 2.61 millimoles per liter (mmol/L). Also, several medications can influence magnesium levels or interact with magnesium supplements.

To optimize efficacy and minimize interactions, separate the intake of magnesium supplements and oral bisphosphonates by at least two hours. This precaution is essential as magnesium supplements can impede the absorption of bisphosphonates like alendronate (Fosamax), commonly prescribed for osteoporosis treatment.

To avoid potential interaction, take specific antibiotics either two hours before or four to six hours after consuming magnesium-containing supplements. This timing is critical because magnesium can form insoluble complexes with certain antibiotics.

Authored by Zena Le Roux via The Epoch Times June 3rd 2024