Married NYPD boss arrested after heinous sex assault claims by worker

Married police lieutenant indicted for alleged sexual assault on subordinate civilian police employee

Former NYPD officer arrested after taking down alleged shoplifter

WARNING - GRAPHIC CONTENT: Fox News’ Nate Foy reports on an incident at a New York City Walgreens where a former NYPD officer stopped an alleged shoplifter.

A married New York City Police Department lieutenant has been arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a civilian employee in the department – months after the worker filed a lawsuit that said he tried to pressure her into threesomes.

Lt. Wilder Lucas was indicted Tuesday on charges stemming from allegations made by Ammy Ventura, who said Lucas grew abusive as their relationship soured. Lucas is now suspended from the NYPD without pay, a department spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

Ventura's lawyer, John Scola, told Fox News Digital on Wednesday he's never seen a sexual assault case like this one.

"Based on the egregiousness of the allegations, the DA just took the ball," Scola said. "And now he could be charged up to 25 years."


married nypd boss arrested after heinous sex assault claims by worker

NYPD employee Ammy Ventura filed a lawsuit against supervisor Wilder Lucas on Tuesday. (John Scola)

Lucas had also threatened Ventura's life if she revealed the alleged assault, Scola said, and his client was "scared to death" that he was going to kill her.

"No woman should be subjected to sexual violence in the workplace. When these situations do arise, it is important that victims can come forward and know these complaints will be listened to and taken seriously," Scola said in a statement.

Fox News Digital reached out to Wilder's defense attorney but did not receive a response by time of publication.

Ventura, a 40-year-old civilian employee and mother of two, worked in the NYPD's Property Division, responsible for managing items under the department's custody.

The lawsuit filed by Ventura in April alleged a pattern of emotional abuse and sexual manipulation by Lucas that culminated in a sexual assault at work.

In early 2021, she developed a close relationship with Lucas while going through a divorce, according to the suit.

Their amicable bond allegedly evolved into a romantic relationship in April 2021 but quickly crumbled, ending in a breakup by September of the same year. Ventura says in the lawsuit that Lucas exhibited bouts of anger and became "enraged," culminating in a May 2021 incident in which Lucas allegedly demanded oral sex.

Lucas became angry when Ventura refused, telling her "shut the f--- up," according to the suit. Following the incident, Lucas "showered her with attention" to reconcile with Ventura, according to the lawsuit, and the two continued their relationship.


married nypd boss arrested after heinous sex assault claims by worker

Ammy Ventura filed a lawsuit against her boss at the NYPD on Tuesday. (John Scola)

According to the lawsuit, the relationship dissolved after a September 2021 trip to the Dominican Republican, which left Ventura feeling "embarrassed and humiliated" because Lucas allegedly brought three other women along and treated Ventura poorly during the getwaway.

When confronted about the trip after their return to the United States, Lucas replied by text, "I can't talk I'm a married man," according to the lawsuit. At this point, her attorney told Fox News, Ventura ended the relationship.


For a while after the breakup, Ventura worked without incident until August 2022 when Lucas allegedly sexually assaulted Ventura at work while she was on an overtime shift.

He proceeded to grab her "by her hair across his office to behind his desk," where he allegedly forced Ventura to give him oral sex.

"Plaintiff objected but Defendant held on to her hair the entire time preventing her from being able to pull away," according to the lawsuit.

married nypd boss arrested after heinous sex assault claims by worker

Wilder Lucas, left, Ammy Ventura (John Scola)

The lawsuit also claimed that by the end of 2022, another employee at the NYPD reported Lucas and Ventura's relationship to a superior. In response, Lucas allegedly threatened Ventura's life if she disclosed their affair, demanding she delete all messages between them. Fearing for her safety, Ventura says she complied with his demands, according to the claims.

"These women can now point to the bravery of Ms. Ventura as an example of strength to help summon the courage to report their abuse," Scola said Tuesday.

Emma Colton contributed to this report.

Jamie Joseph is a writer who covers politics. She leads Fox News Digital coverage of the Senate. 

Authored by Jamie Joseph via FoxNews August 1st 2023