Mask Mandates Unpopular Due to Existence of Next-Gen Antivirals Pipeline

As hospitalization rates are rising it's abundantly clear that COVID is making a comeback and the politicians are eyeing mask mandates again. A lot has changed since the mask mandates were dropped.  Vaccinations don’t work as well as they used to and the currently available antivirals are waning in efficacy as the virus develops resistance. Most Americans have little to no protection unless they use dietary supplements like Tollovid or off label drugs like Ivermectin. A new broad spectrum antiviral developed by Bioxtyran, that had a 100% response rate in India, is coming to America and could end mask mandates permanently. It looks like big pharma is hoping this small company fails in its quest to end the COVID endemic.  

COVID-19 is starting to surge.  Hospitalizations are increasing and went up 16% this past week over last week.  The chart is starting to look parabolic. This has increased speculation that mask mandates may be coming back.  In August there was a rumor that mask mandates were bound to return for air travel, but that turned out to be false. 
mask mandates unpopular due to existence of next gen antivirals pipeline

While there are no federal mandates percolating, some local school districts have started imposing mask mandates in select schools with confirmed infections.  Looking at the big picture: masks were employed to prevent or slow the rate of infection.  Early on in the pandemic, Americans were sold on the idea that the vaccines would prevent infection, but 5 boosters later most Americans realized they were lied to. 

Over time a cult-like segment of the population started to figure out that drugs like Ivermectin, and the dietary supplement Tollovid could not only treat disease, but also act as a prophylactic. Both of these home remedies are watered down 3CL protease inhibitors like Paxlovid, but Tollovid is the only one that will work during this current surge because it has a unique mechanism the virus cannot mutate around.  It's available on their website or amazon if you want protection during the upcoming flu season.  Some of the recent viral mutations impacted the shape of the 3CL protease making Paxlovid less effective as the variants develop low levels of resistance.  
mask mandates unpopular due to existence of next gen antivirals pipeline


Next-Generation COVID Antiviral

There are very few antivirals in development to replace Paxlovid, but a small biotech called Bioxytran might have the solution to not only treat COVID-19 extremely fast, but also help reduce the spread of the disease to the point where Americans might be able to throw away the masks for good and forget about big pharma’s vaccines.  This oral antiviral just received its IND to dose patients in the United States.  For any biotech investors out there, this is one of the most undervalued biotechs in the history of the stock market because this drug has the potential to be bigger than penicillin. The drug got its development started in India and completed a Phase 2 clinical trial and expects to complete its regulatory Phase 3 sometime next year.    

The interesting thing about Bioxtyran’s drug is that it has the potential to be one of the first truly broad-spectrum antivirals.  While many people might think that broad spectrum antivirals exist, the truth is they are confusing them with broad-spectrum antibiotics.  The new drug was tested in vitro to see if it had activity in influenza and RSV in addition to its well-understood SARS-CoV-2 antiviral activity. A new preprint showed that this one drug has the potential to be a broad spectrum antiviral.  The unique quality of this antiviral is that it operates differently than any other antiviral developed over the past 20 years.  Instead of interfering with the replication of the virus inside the cell, it blocks various viruses while outside the cell and never lets them in the cell.  This is such a new paradigm on how to treat infections that very few key opinion leaders like Eric Topol, Eric Ding, or Peter McCullough are aware of it.  

Powerful Antivirals Eclipse the Need for Mask Mandates

Mask mandates are one of the most polarizing topics because there's an inherent tug of war between freedom to choose and being forced to do something for the greater good.  Many people claim that masks don’t work, and they are probably right if they are talking about the flimsy surgical masks, but if they are talking about the N95 worn by in hospitals that defies logic that doctors and nurses would throw themselves into harm's way with masks that don't work. The reason masks are even an issue is because all attempts to control contagion have failed.  The Chinese lockdowns failed, contact tracing failed because there's inadequate testing, ventilation failed because of expense, vaccines failed to sterilize the disease, and masks failed because people didn't wear the heavy duty masks and wear them properly.

The underlying reasons for the mask polarization are that mask apologists believe there are no options left on the table to control contagion except masks.  Then others believe that COVID is no big deal and can be controlled because they are armed with Ivermectin or a stronger 3CL protease inhibitor called Tollovid.  The common denominator between both factions is that people simply don’t want to get sick and want something that actually works. The problem with both factions is that they are so entrenched that they are not open to a third point of view of a therapeutic option that can make masks, lockdowns, and vaccines a thing of the past.

COVID has been over politicized for far too long. The only way to break this cycle is to embrace this nex-gen antiviral that can not only make normal risk everyday Joe’s feel better within the day but also stop people from spreading the virus as long.  So we can continue down the roads thinking that Ivermectin is a miracle drug and that mask mandates are the only way to protect ourselves, or we can embrace the idea that we have one of the biggest medical discoveries since penicillin knocking at our doorsteps ready to destroy all remnants of COVID. Why not revel in the idea that we finally have a plan to send COVID back to the research lab it came from instead of endless jabs that never really worked to prevent infection. Aren’t people ready to see COVID wiped off this planet and put away the masks for good?

mask mandates unpopular due to existence of next gen antivirals pipeline

Bioxytran’s antiviral, ProLectin-M, is a chewable tablet that conquers COVID. It showed a 100% responders rate in eliminating COVID in its phase 2 trial, and it’s only the second P2 clinical trial in the past decade to achieve that perfect monumental result.  It's cheap to make with ample supplies of raw materials. It's cleared to do trials here in the United States, but the vaccine narrative and a massive bear market in biotech has squashed  hopes of funding the trials in the near term. Unless, of course, the public realizes that as little as $5 million could end this endemic phase of COVID that we find ourselves in.  People should be outraged that $5 billion under Project Next Gen is being spent to develop a new pan-COVID vaccine instead of embracing a drug that has the potential to end COVID as we know it.  If the public starts embracing a COVID-free future with the most promising drug the world has ever seen, the divisions on masks will fade away as quickly as the virus when treated with ProLectin.  

If you don't like masks, don’t want to be sick for long, or are just sick of big pharma getting handouts from the government then you should be supporting this little biotech and buying up the stock of BIXT so we can end this endemic phase of COVID right away.

Authored by Chessmaster via ZeroHedge September 12th 2023