Must Watch: Judy Shelton on Gold-Backed Bonds and Trump's Return
Submitted by GoldFix,
As opined and predicted many times in this space for the last 3 years most notably here in 2022 and most recently noted this month, Judith Shelton eloquently describes what GoldFix readers know is coming.
From ITM Trading:
“You can't have sound money without sound finances,” says Judy Shelton, monetary economist, author of “Money Meltdown,” and former economic advisor to Donald Trump. In an exclusive interview with Daniela Cambone, Shelton explains the rationale behind a gold standard argument, detailing how issuing a gold-backed bond may be the pathway to it. “I don't know how people talk about free trade without addressing currency gyrations and how they impact trade,” she says. Additionally, she warns that the fate of the U.S. may be similar to what happened to the Soviet Union with insurmountable debt. “Is the US still going to be here in 50 years? At the rate of the unsustainability in terms of the fiscal and monetary situation that you opened with, I don't see how.” Tune in for this insightful discussion on the future of the U.S. economy and the potential return to a gold standard.
- 00:00 US debt cliff
- 3:20 Money should work for the people
- 6:06 Gold standard
- 14:03 Argument against returning to gold standard
- 17:26 Donald Trump
- 26:54 Inflation and current economy
- 29:59 Central banks accumulating gold
- 39:15 BRICS
- 46:48 Concluding words
Site: ITM Trading
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