'My jaw dropped' when I read IRS whistleblower's claims about Hunter Biden probe, says former DOJ tax official

Attorney reacts to Gary Shapley's claims that Hunter Biden probe was tainted by politics

Attorney Eileen J. O'Connor said Wednesday on "Jesse Watters Primetime" that her "jaw dropped" when she read a portion of IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley's testimony about the investigation into Hunter Biden. O'Connor, who previously headed the DOJ's tax division, said the plea agreement for the president's son should be thrown out by a judge.  


EILEEN J. O'CONNOR: The reason I wrote my op-ed is because I wanted the public to understand what had happened in this case. Informed citizens are essential to the operations of this government. And from my decades as a tax practitioner and my six years as head of the tax division, I read Special Agent Shapley's testimony with deep, deep interest. When I got to page 95, my jaw dropped. That's where the testimony specifies that as early as June 2021, the prosecution team understood that because crimes must be prosecuted in the district where they occur, Attorney General Garland's failure to make U.S. Attorney Weiss a special counsel guaranteed that Hunter Biden would not be prosecuted for his tax crimes. Because every U.S. attorney is in charge of the law enforcement in his district and since 2014 and 2015 had to be charged in the District of Columbia and the later years had to be charged in Los Angeles and U.S. Attorney Weiss is in Delaware. It was clear that without special counsel authority, U.S. Attorney Weiss was not going to be able to charge Hunter Biden's tax crimes.

my jaw dropped when i read irs whistleblowers claims about hunter biden probe says former doj tax official

IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley defended his claims that the Justice Department interfered with U.S. Attorney David Weiss' Hunter Biden investigation in an interview with Fox News' "Special Report."  (Fox News)

The IRS whistleblower said critical steps in the federal investigation into Hunter Biden were put "on the back burner" as the 2020 presidential election approached and stressed that "the most substantive felony charges were left off the table," while doubling down on his claim that the entirety of the Justice Department’s probe into the president’s son was influenced by politics.

Shapley, who was the supervisor of the Hunter Biden investigation at the IRS, sat for an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier. 

Shapley alleged during the interview, and in testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, that DOJ prosecutors directed investigators to avoid asking witnesses questions about President Biden; chose not to collect search warrants related to the president’s son; and more.

"We weren’t allowed to ask questions about ‘dad.’ We weren’t allowed to ask about ‘the big guy.’ We weren’t allowed to include certain names in document requests and search warrants," Shapley said. "So, you know, we were precluded from following that line of questioning." 

Authored by Fox News Staff via FoxNews June 29th 2023