My Second Book, Into the Abyss, is Officially Published!

I am beyond thrilled to announce that my new book Into the Abyss: Life After the Bubble is now available to purchase at Amazon. You can purchase it by CLICKING HERE.

This book is the sequel to my 2017 best-seller The Everything Bubble. It is divided into two sections (The Everything Bubble Has Burst and How to Invest After the Bubble).

The Everything Bubble Has Burst details what policymakers got wrong regarding the shutdowns as well as how the US Federal Reserve and Federal Government unleashed inflation via outrageous amounts of stimulus/ money printing between 2020 and 2022. After examining the implications of these developments for the financial system, I present what I see as the future of monetary policy, specifically, what policies the US Federal Reserve and Federal Government will be forced to implement when the next crisis or recession hits.

How to Invest After the Bubble provides guidelines for investing in this new climate from two perspectives: avoiding the most common mistakes investors typically make and how to employ proper risk management to maximize returns. Building on the strategies I've developed over 20 years as a market strategist, this section of the book gives readers a new framework for thinking about the markets and investing in the post-pandemic era.

Again, you can purchase the book by CLICKING HERE.

And a BIG THANK YOU to Tyler and the ZeroHedge family for letting us make this announcement!

my second book into the abyss is officially published



Authored by Phoenix Capital Research via ZeroHedge May 15th 2024