Naked man tussles with Las Vegas cop before stealing, crashing patrol car: video

Police in Las Vegas, Nevada, said Clyde Cabulisan was arrested after crashing one of their vehicles

Nude Las Vegas man jacks cop car

Chaotic footage shows a nude man on Tuesday tussling with a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officer before hopping into his vehicle and driving away. (Credit: Jam Press)

Video footage captured an aggressive nude man slipping out of a Las Vegas cop's grasp and making off in his police cruiser on Tuesday. 

Clyde Cabulisan, 29, would lead Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officers on a 15-minute, five-mile chase in the stolen Metro Ford F-150 before running a red light and colliding with a Ford Explorer around 11:15 p.m. 

Cabulisan now faces felony charges for robbery, driver disobeying a peace officer, endangering people and property and battery on a protected person. 

He also faces misdemeanor charges for reckless driving, failing to stop at the scene of an accident and driving under the influence, according to Clark County Detention Center online records. No charges are listed for indecent exposure, however.


naked man tussles with las vegas cop before stealing crashing patrol car video

Clyde Cabulisan, 29, faces four felony charges after tussling with a police officer while nude and taking off in his cruiser. (Jam Press)

Cabulisan's brother told police that he had a "mental breakdown," KSNV reported.

Kyle Even, a nearby driver who captured the chaotic video, said he saw flashing lights on the road near Blue Diamond Road and Buffalo Drive and thought he was approaching the scene of an accident. 

Instead, he caught an eyeful of the man "casually" walking au naturel along the highway.

"You got a cop and a naked dude. I thought he was going to be handcuffed and thrown to the ground," Even told the local outlet on Wednesday morning. "The cop kind of seemed he was, like, protecting him from somebody coming through and hitting him."

Even told Jam Press that he put on his hazards and pulled out his camera. 


naked man tussles with las vegas cop before stealing crashing patrol car video

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officer can be seen here nearly subduing the nude man before he slips away. After Cabulisan manages to get the cop on the ground, he can be seen jumping into the open door of his marked Ford F-150.

"I thought the officer was gonna handcuff him and I’d have a laugh," the 38-year-old bartender told the outlet. 

Cabulisan can be seen knocking the officer's hat off in the video, and then forcing him to the ground in the middle of an intersection.

Even said his "jaw dropped into [his] lap" when the man maneuvered his way into cop car's open driver's side door while an officer tried to catch him, with the marked vehicle's lights still flashing.

naked man tussles with las vegas cop before stealing crashing patrol car video

The bested officer gives chase, but Cabulisan gets away with the cruiser's lights still flashing, leading police on a five-mile chase before running a red light and colliding with another vehicle. (Jam Press)

"I was just glad the cop didn’t get run over," Even said. "It’s like real-life Grand Theft Auto."

Police sped after Cabulisan down South Rainbow Road, only catching up to him after he crossed the road median and ran a red light into oncoming traffic at Hacienda Avenue, crashing into the passenger side of the Explorer. 


Its occupants, a 34-year-old woman and her 43-year-old male passenger, were critically injured and transferred to University Medical Center's Trauma Unit. 

The man told 8 News Now that he is paralyzed on his right side after the impact. Cabulisan, who was also injured, was booked at police headquarters before he was taken to the hospital, according to KLAS.

Cabulisan was arraigned at Las Vegas Justice Court on Thursday; it was unclear whether he had entered a plea at press time. 

Christina Coulter is a U.S. and World reporter for Fox News Digital. Email story tips to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Authored by Christina Coulter via FoxNews November 3rd 2023