New York governor has liberal platitudes thrown back in her face after telling migrants to 'go somewhere else'

Many commentators used left-wing rhetoric to mock Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul

Gov. Hochul encourages migrants to 'go somewhere else' rather than New York

Gov. Kathy Hochul, in a notable departure from past rhetoric, suggested migrants flowing in from other countries should find different places to seek asylum rather than New York.

New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul presides over one of America’s bluest states, but she faced a wave of mockery for urging migrants to go elsewhere.

"We have to let the word out that when you come to New York you’re not going to have more hotel rooms," Hochul during a CNN interview on Thursday. "We don’t have capacity, so we have to also message properly that we’re at our limit, if you’re going to leave your country, go somewhere else." 

"The smarter thing is to apply for asylum before you leave your country," she added. 

During her appearance on CNN, Hochul said she would support New York’s "right to shelter" law being recalled or rescinded amid the migrant crisis because it was originally intended to address homeless men on the streets experiencing AIDS, and then it was expanded to apply to families. The governor said it was never meant to ensure "an unlimited, universal right or obligation on the city to have to house literally the entire world."

new york governor has liberal platitudes thrown back in her face after telling migrants to go somewhere else

New York Governor Kathy Hochul described the immigration crisis facing her state on a recent CNN appearance. (CNN)


Hochul’s statements about New York struggling to manage migrants coming into the state sparked an outburst of sarcasm and mockery on social media, with many parodying left-wing rhetoric.

"Disgusting. Racist. Xenophobic. We are a nation of immigrants. Build bridges not walls. Poem on the Statue of Liberty," State Freedom Caucus Network communications director Greg Price joked.

NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham also joked about the poem "The New Colossus" that is featured on the Statue of Liberty. 

"We can always point to the poem's line about ‘yearning to breathe free.’ If the huddled masses are coming for the welfare-state subsidies, the poem is ruined," he wrote. 

"I assume all Democrat politicians and pundits will spend the day being outraged at such anti-immigrant sentiment," GOP rapid response director Jake Schneider joked. "These are people! No person is illegal! Etc!"

"Wow this is sick!" LibsOfTikTok founder Chaya Raichik sarcastically wrote. "The Governor of NY is racist and xenophobic. Literally shaking."

new york governor has liberal platitudes thrown back in her face after telling migrants to go somewhere else

Demonstrators protest against the New York City’s response to the ongoing migrant crisis outside of the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan on Friday, Sept. 15. The hotel currently serves as the primary intake center for migrants arriving in the city - as well as housing for families with children. (Julia Bonavita/Fox News Digital)


"Wow I can’t believe she would say such a hateful and bigoted thing. I thought NYC was a sanctuary city! What happened to everyone is welcome??" Sen. Josh Hawley’s, R-Mo., communications director Abigail Jackson wrote.

"Wow someone sure sounds like a racist Republican!" FOX News contributor Katie Pavlich quipped.

"Donald Trump looks different here," conservative social media personality ALX joked.

Other accounts directly noted Hochul’s about-face on immigration.

"Democrat Kathy Hochul was fine supporting policies that created the border crisis … so long as the crisis stayed in Texas and Arizona. She is a hypocrite," GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel wrote.

Writer Katya Sedgwick suggested a solution, but wondered about the source of America’s immigration policy.

"The most humane and effective way to send this message is by enforcing the border. Cutting all assistance helps tremendously," she wrote. "Anyways, who is in charge of our immigration policy? I mean. Really in charge. Anyone knows?"

new york governor has liberal platitudes thrown back in her face after telling migrants to go somewhere else

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul speaks after taking her ceremonial oath of office at the New York State Capitol on Aug. 24, 2021 in Albany, N.Y. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)


"It only took about 6 months of bussing illegals to New York and Chicago for Democrats to admit that their open border policy is insane," State Rep. Brian Stewart, R-Ohio, wrote. "This should have started 25 years ago."

"Democrats didn't care about the fallout from the border crisis they created when it was just Texas and Arizona's problem," NRCC communications director Jack Pandol wrote. 

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Danielle Wallace contributed to this report.

Alexander Hall is an associate editor for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Authored by Alexander Hall via FoxNews September 21st 2023