Nolte: Disgraced CNN Caught Lying About Disbanding ‘Race and Equity’ Team

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CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and violence, tried to lie its way out of the awesome news that it had disbanded its stupid “race and equity” reporting team.

Disgraced CNN CEO Mark Thompson is hoping to restructure his failing Hate Outlet into something sustainable by adding on some kind of a subscription “lifestyle journalism” service. The far-left New York Times has successfully funded its news lies and propaganda with puzzles, recipes, and travel tips. CNNLOL is hoping it can do the same.

But this means restructuring, and that means job cuts and that stupid “race and equity” reporting team was part of a reported 100 CNN job cuts. But…

CNN being CNN, a spokesperson assumed CNN’s normal default position of telling bald-faced lies and at first, lied about not having disbanded its stupid “race and equity” team.

“A network spokesperson first claimed the Race and Equality team was not disbanded before admitting to [reporter Phil] Lewis that it will no longer exist as a mission-oriented unit,” the New York Post reports.

Then CNN eventually admitted to Lewis that “the team is not a team anymore. They’re assigned to different areas so that [their] perspective and work is brought into all of our types of programming. It’s not a unit in the way it was before,” CNN added, “but [race and equality] is very much still their focus.”


That’s not even true.

According to Lewis, CNN’s stupid “race and equity” team was made up of three so-called journalists. But one was laid off. So if one was fired, the team was, in fact, NOT “assigned to a different area where race and equity will remain a focus,” were they?

This is the thing I will always come back to when it comes to fake news outlets like CNNLOL…

If CNN is willing to lie and obfuscate over little things like this, we mere mortals will never be able to wrap our minds around the lengths a CNN will go to lie about things that actually matter. To wit…

Kleptomaniacs steal just to steal. The media are the lying equivalent of a klepto: they lie just to lie because they can’t help it, because lying is who they are. 

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart July 12th 2024