Nolte: Disgraced Washington Post Whines About Losing Influence on Xwitter

nolte disgraced washington post whines about losing influence on xwitter
Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images

The far-left Washington Post, a disgraced misinformation site on the verge of bankruptcy, is whining over the corporate media losing its influence to mislead the public on Xwitter.

As I lead you through the Post’s lists of whines, I ask only that you keep the following in mind…

Basically, the Post is angry that Xwitter is no longer what it was pre-Elon Musk, which was a left-wing social media outlet that put its thumb on the scale to the benefit of the serial liars in the leftist corporate media (like the Washington Post). Remember, Twitter was the site that deliberately killed the true story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, awarded status-increasing blue checkmarks to everyone in the corporate media regardless of how many followers they had, and throttled right-of-center accounts to ensure those ideas went nowhere.

Xwitter is far from perfect today, but a lot of that has changed. Under Musk, Xwitter is something closer to a level playing field, and, as we have always known, the smug, biased, and dishonest corporate media cannot survive on a level playing field. Fox News proved that more than 20 years ago. The corporate media can only survive with billionaire bailouts (Washington Post) or by creating a far-left eco-system where the tail (far-left subscribers) wag the dog (the New York Times) into a leftist Pravda.

Naturally, the Post mentions none of this. Why? Because that would be the truth, and the Post is genetically incapable of telling the truth. A perfect example is the below block quote from the Post piece in question. See if you can spot the three massive pieces of misinformation in that single paragraph:

The overall impact of these changes has been to degrade the public’s ability to find authoritative information, according to NewsGuard, a nonpartisan company that monitors media credibility. That failure has been particularly consequential during the Israel-Gaza war, when Twitter was central to disseminating unproven narratives, such as who blew up a hospital in Gaza.

Lie #1: NewsGuard is not nonpartisan. NewsGuard is a disgraced, far-left blacklisting outfit devoted to protecting the corporate media.

Lie #2: The only organizations guilty of “disseminating unproven narratives, such as who blew up a hospital in Gaza,” are the very corporate media outlets the Post wants to see returned to their Xwitter influence throne.

Lie #3 (and this is a doozy): No one “blew up” that hospital in Gaza, not even the Hamas-affiliated terrorists who fired the rocket that went off course and hit the hospital parking lot. The hospital is still standing and appears to have very little damage. Why is the Washington Post still spreading the lie that someone “blew up” a hospital, you ask? Because lying for the sake of lying is what the Post does.

More lulz:

Musk has furthered the company’s rightward turn by displacing the mainstream media from a position of authority on the site: Both X’s software and iconic “blue check” verification system now elevate the tweets of paying subscribers — many of them conservative influencers. People who have worked with Musk and his CEO, Linda Yaccarino, say they intend to turn X into a self-contained forum for creator content where people can watch original shows like Carlson’s.

Musk has also courted people on the far left, like Rachel Maddow. This is despite the fact Maddow is the Queen of the Russia Collusion Hoax.

Do the liars at the Post mention Maddow? No, of course not (they do mention Musk reaching out to Don Lemon). It would undermine their narrative to mention the Maddow invite. Now let’s back up a little bit and take another look at what the Post is really complaining about…

Xwitter courted Tucker Carlson. That’s it. That’s Musk’s sin. Merely doing business with Tucker Carlson is problematic to the Post for no reason other than his political beliefs. It sure can’t be his experience or reputation.

Tucker Carlson has been a public figure for 25 years. He’s worked at CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and Fox. When Fox and Carlson separated, he was the biggest name in cable news. Nevertheless, the Post wants us to accept that there is something wrong with Xwitter courting this popular cable news veteran. Why? Because Carlson’s not a leftist. That’s it. Had Musk launched a show with election-denier Stacey Abrams, the Post would be in ecstasy — which is more proof the corporate media as a whole are morally broken beyond any hope of repair.

One more:

A Post analysis of dozens of conservative and right-wing influencers and media figures found that many saw their follower counts rise on the day Musk became owner and continue rising at a rate higher than under Twitter’s previous ownership. None of the dozens of popular liberal and left-wing accounts examined by The Post show the same pattern.

Well, that’s what happens when the playing field is level: leftists and their terrible ideas fail. This is why leftists couldn’t survive on talk radio. In that format, where ideas are tested by everyday people calling in, leftists are exposed for what they are: liars and fascists.

The Post is another example of this failure, an outlet kept alive by billionaire Jeff Bezos’s affirmative action. And it’s still dying! LOLOLOLOL!

Allow me to close with this blaring lack of self-awareness: “Musk has furthered the company’s rightward turn by displacing the mainstream media from a position of authority on the site[.]”

The Post connects all of its whining to metrics that show Xwitter is not as popular as it was when Musk bought it a year ago. I don’t doubt that crybaby leftists huffing off and the McCarthyistic blacklisting and intimidation of advertisers have had an effect. And honestly, I don’t care. I have no dog in this fight. Social media is poison. Xwitter might be the least worst, but is a pox on them all.

What? Xwitter is failing, and the corporate media are losing influence…?

That’s called a win-win, baby.

John Nolte’s debut novel Borrowed Time (Bombardier Books) is available today. You can read an exclusive excerpt here and a review of the novel here.  

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart October 30th 2023