Nolte: Far-left L.A. Times Slashes 20 Percent of Staff

Matt Hamilton, an investigative reporter for the Los Angeles Times, talks to staff and supporters during a rally in downtown Los Angeles on Friday, Jan. 19, 2024. Guild members of the Los Angeles Times participated in one-day walkout to protest imminent layoffs. The job action Friday is the first newsroom …
Richard Vogel/AP

The failing Los Angeles Times announced Tuesday the slashing of 20 percent of its staff, which adds up to 115 job cuts.

This loss for the L.A. Times will undoubtedly be a community college boon throughout the Southland for computer coding classes.

“The [far-left] Los Angeles Times announced Tuesday that it was laying off at least 115 people — or more than 20% of the newsroom,” the Los Angeles Times reports. This represents “one of the largest workforce reductions in the history of the 142-year-old [disgraced] institution.”

The report adds that the “move comes amid projections for another year of heavy losses for the newspaper.”

And now we come to my favorite part:

The cuts were necessary because the paper could no longer lose $30 million to $40 million a year without making progress toward building higher readership that would bring in advertising and subscriptions to sustain the organization, the paper’s owner, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, said Tuesday.

Hahahaha… This asshole’s writing $3 million-plus checks every month to produce a newspaper no bigger than Applebee’s menu.

“Today’s decision is painful for all,” Soon-Shiomg told his own newspaper, “but it is imperative that we act urgently and take steps to build a sustainable and thriving paper for the next generation.”

The announcement added, “Soon-Shiong expressed disappointment that the newsroom guild did not work with management to come up with a plan that he said would have saved jobs.”

Oh, you mean more liars who hate me lost their jobs because the union refused to drop its demand that seniority should trump merit with these layoffs? How can you not love a union that comes up with that sweet-sweet result?

So all the old, overpaid deadwood staff remains at the L.A. Times, while the smug, inexperienced, left-wing wokesters who know nothing about real life are let go so they can work a register or learn to code.

That sounds like a win-win to me.

This is also the second round of layoffs to hit the L.A. Times. Last year, this doomed enterprise cut 13 percent of its staff. I know the following math isn’t perfect, but 13 percent of layoffs last year plus 20 percent this year… That’s about a third of the staff.

Listen, if you’re looking for someone to pretend he’s all broken up about people who hate me losing their jobs, find someone else. The corporate media is pure evil. While I wish no physical harm on anyone, bankruptcy, humiliation, and unemployment all put a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

Other than the specific number, these layoffs are not news. Breitbart News reported on this inevitability throughout last week.

Imagine how awful a left-wing newspaper must be to fail this miserably in one of the most populous, left-wing cities in America.

Watching corporate media outlets like CNN, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times die is one of the purest forms of justice we will ever come across.

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Breitbart’s hiring.

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Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart January 23rd 2024