NYT DC Bureau Chief Downplays ‘Conservative’ Angle in ‘Clinton Cash’ Allegations

Thursday on PBS’s “NewsHour,” New York Times Washington bureau chief  Carolyn Ryan said the controversy over the Clinton Foundation accepting foreign donations while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state raised by the new book, “Clinton Cash” by Peter Schweizer, is not a conservative attack, but a careful gathering of all the facts and possible favors from several sources, including Pulitzer Prize winners Jo Becker’s eporting going back to 2008 for the The New York Times.

Ryan said, “I would characterize that book as really almost a tip sheet or reporting leads. The two reporters at The Times who got involved in this, we have Jo Becker, who is a Pulitzer Prize winner, Mike McIntire, a Pulitzer finalist just this week, they did dozens of interviews. They gathered a lot of records. And so they really went deep. This is very intricate and difficult reporting tracing this money. And they really did a lot of original reporting. And I would just note that this whole story began actually in 2008 with a story that Jo Becker did about the Kazakstan uranium deal. So, Peter Schweizer, the author, the conservative author, sort of following Jo Becker.”

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Pam Key

Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart April 24th 2015