One Final Answer on Metals Manipulation

"Trunz testified that Smith was so fast at placing and canceling bogus orders that his colleagues would joke that he needed to put ice on his fingers to cool them down."

-JPMorgan Trader Spoofed So Fast Colleagues Urged Ice on Fingers

One Final Answer on Metals Manipulation

How it happened, How they did it, and why it continues to exist.

Authored by GoldFix ZH Edit


Recently TPC Podcast's Tommy Carrigan sat down with Vince Lanci to discuss the hows and whys of spoofing in precious metals and other futures markets. The show plays host to experts in various fields including  repeat visitor Dr. Robert Malone (Vaccines), the Project Veritas team and others like Tom Luongo discussing geopolitics. In this episode, Tommy and Vince take the recent Metals case convictions as an opportunity to talk about how manipulation really goes down.

Here is that discussion in full with timestamps and slides below.


Highlighted Time-Stamps.

GoldFix full transcript here

  • 3:30 Introduction, background

  • 6:30 The JPM Gold manipulation case (Slide 1)

  • 8:50- What exactly is spoofing?

    • Why the ice joke?

  • 13:30- Why does it happen?

    • Technology’s role
    • Privilege abuse
    • Legalized Front-running
    • Corporate lobbying
  • 22:20- Is Bank privilege necessary to begin with?

    • Supporting the market in left-handed scissors
    • Incentivizing the banks to help
    • The Decentralization battle behind Bitcoin
  • 40:40 How do you deal with it? (Slide 2)

  • 44:00- The Mike Coscia Story (Slide 3)

  • 51:10- How is shorting rewarded?

    • Demonetizing Gold
    • Encourage Dollar ownership and non-ownership of Gold
    • Demoting from Tier 1 to Tier 3 rewards shorting.
  • 55:00- Greenspan loans Fort Knox Gold out to Bullion Banks

  • 58:00- What is Gold worth?

Geopolitical Discussion

Starts 1:03:00

  • US Empire Discussion
  • Shrinking US Empire and Europe
  • We’re 4 meals from Anarchy
  • Communism then and now.
  • Killing the true believers in the USSR
  • Sponsor Jokes

Interview Slides

one final answer on metals manipulationone final answer on metals manipulationone final answer on metals manipulation

Full Transcript  here ...


Authored by Vbl via ZeroHedge September 11th 2023