
One Woman Takes Over the New Zealand Government

Janine of the House of Arabella - Commander of New Zealand Government Corporations
Janine of the House of Arabella - Commander of New Zealand Government Corporations

If you prefer to watch the video you can do so here.

As of 8th October 2024 one woman, Janine of the House of Arabella has completed a lawful process by which she is now the Commander of the Crown Corporations that constitute the New Zealand government. 

In a Proclamation released on Rumble the new Commander of New Zealand spelled out the implications of this transfer of power.  The proclamation can also be read here.

At 5pm on the 19th September Janine obtained immediate Summary Judgement and immediate takeover of all assets of a number of key crown corporations including the Reserve Bank, Inland Revenue, New Zealand Treasury and Health New Zealand.  She also seized the private assets of those heading these corporations.

The assets of ASB bank and its CEO Victoria Short were also seized.  The bank currently owes Janine NZ$ 15 billion.

The executives these corporations have been receiving instructions from Janine and were given until 7th October to implement them.  When they failed to comply and fell into dishonour Janine issued her Proclamation.

The implications of the Proclamation for the men and women of New Zealand are wide ranging and include:

  • Income tax cancelled
  • GST cancelled
  • Student debt cancelled.

I now cancel all personal and income and goods and service taxes that have been placed on the people due to all of these being charged fraudulently and these taxes can no longer be enforced with individual men and women having the right to charge an officer or agent who tries to enforce fraudulent and cancelled taxes upon them with all past taxes owed and student debt cancelled from 19 July 2024. (Page 3.)

  • Property tax (rates) cancelled
  • Parking charges and road tax cancelled
  • Speeding, parking and property fines only enforceable if harm is proven to have been done.

Speeding and parking and property fines can only be charged where a crime of harm against another individual can be proven, and the people are now informed that speeding and parking and property fines are not enforceable unless a crime of harm has been committed, and this will stop intentional revenue making off the people. (Page 3.)

Janine has achieved this breakthrough by going through the lawful process of Notices, Affidavits and Liens on the corporations that make up the New Zealand government and their officers. As she received no rebuttal her claims stand as law. 

Her actions represent a return to God’s law based on the principles of loving God with all your heart and treating your neighbour as yourself:

The original meaning of the word LEGAL was in an 1893 Dictionary of Arts and Science and Encyclopaedia Britannica 1893 volume defined as 'the undoing of God's law' or the removal of God. As we are now under Jurisdiction of God almighty and God's law through the Holy Word of God the legal system is now abolished over the people as it is only crown law which is corporate law that only controls corporations. (Page 3.)

For home and land owners Janine outlines the fraud that has been perpetuated where men and women believe they have purchased a property when in fact all they have purchased is a document with geographical markings.

To protect individuals who have innocently bought property believing their titles to be correct and true they are assured that if they are living on a piece of land they retain the right to keep living on that land where individuals will be shown the process shortly to claim full living rights to remain living on that land. (Page 3.)

  • mortgages cancelled.

Because property titles are null and void so too are mortgages.  If a bank continues to charge for mortgages a claim of harm can be brought against them.

Janine also outlines that claims of harm from the covid-19 vaccine will be heard and remedy provided.

Other instructions include:

  • removal of fluoride and other harmful chemicals from water
  • a maximum of 20% mark-up by energy and communication companies
  • men and women in the media can now be held accountable for spreading false information that causes harm
  • the restoration of Mauri rights:

28 October 1835 on our land known at that time as Aotearoa a declaration of Independence was signed between King William 4th and Hongi Hika where King William agreed that the natives living in the land would retain their sovereignty and independence. (Page 6.)

Janine believes her actions set a precedent for similar processes in other countries.

Those wishing to support Janine can contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Goodwill can be sent on a regular basis through the following exercise:


The link to the mental workout below supports the peaceful transition of New Zealand government corporations and their officers to the rule of their new Commander:



via October 10th 2024